Chapter 5: Story Time

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For the majority of lunch Veigar kept to himself, he kept thinking back to the way Lulu had reminded him of his younger self. He didn't snap out of it until he noticed Lulu right in front of his face, he felt red paint his cheeks before he controlled himself.

"What do you want" Veigar snapped at Lulu who was surprised at his tone but still continued to look at him.

"You okay Veigar?" Lulu questioned as she looked at him in worry, Veigar quickly moved slightly away from her and closer to Teemo.

"I'm fine, leave me alone"

Teemo chuckled slightly at Veigars flustered reaction but quickly shut his mouth when he saw Veigar sending him a glare. Kennen quickly tried to garner Lulu's attention again but to no avail, Lulu was fully focused on helping Veigar.

There was a clear air of tension around Veigar, he could feel it to as he quickly finished the food that was on his plate before getting up.

"Where are you going?" Lulu was quick to ask but Veigar was already at the exit

"I'm clearly not wanted here, nor do I want to be here" He said as he walked out.

When Veigar reached his house he quickly stripped down realising he hadn't had a shower in quite a while. After his shower he exited his bathroom with only a towel wrapped around him, only to find a familiar purple skinned yordle sitting at his table happily, seemingly waiting for someone.

Veigar gave her a confused look before clearing his throat getting the yordles attention.

"What are you doing here, and how the hell did you get in?" He demanded completely forgetting his current predicament.

Lulu's eyes widened in shock before her face turned beet red at what she saw in front of her.

"I-I wanted you to c-come back" she muttered, Veigar rolled his eyes

"Speak up woman!" He demanded again as Lulu couldn't help but shrink at his tone

"I wanted you to come back, the other yordles want to apologise. A-also pix let me in"

He could feel his eye twitching as he looked directly at the faerie, he swore he could see a smirk plastered on the faeries face. Veigar let out a sigh before turning around to his room before he heard Lulu pipe up again.

"Do they...Do they hurt?" He gave her a confused look before looking down finally realising that only a towel stopped her from seeing his body, she could see his real face and his scars on his forehead.

Veigar let out a never ending stream of curses as he stomped into his room finally putting some clothes on. When he exited he still noticed Lulu sitting on a chair looking down and not meeting his eyes. He let out a loud sigh gaining said persons attention before he too sat down.

"What happened, how did you get those scars?" Lulu asked finally looking up at him, Veigar let out another sigh

"Noxians. Damn Noxians did this to me." Lulu tilted her head to the side in question before Veigar continued "I...when I was younger I went on many adventures, in one of them I got captured by a Noxian. The Noxian tortured me, made me do his bidding and even put dark magics into my very soul. He did so much I forgot what was right or wrong, what my life was before, all I knew was that he was my master and I would continue to serve until the day he died."

Lulu could feel tears welling up in her eyes

"Thats horrible, how could someone do such a thing" Veigar just looked down

"He would have become immortal if it weren't for traitors inside of Noxus who finally realised what he would become" Lulu looked up at the yordle in front of him, for once finally seeing the broken form of Veigar

"Thats not the worst part either" Veigar continued "After he was defeated, I was brought into the Noxian chambers, they continued to torture me. That is until a Demacian group came and broke free all of the prisoners that mainly consisted of Demecians" Lulu was holding back the urge to run up and hug him, not that Veigar noticed as he continued on his tale.

"I finally escaped, I finally got out...But I had no purpose, I thought the world was beautiful but I was wrong. Then something awoke in me, I realised that no matter what happens, people won't fight for peace so I did it. I learned all the dark magic I could in order to get stronger, strong enough for the entire world to fear me and unite against me. Then and ONLY then they would realise that they can work together without wars."

He finally looked up at Lulu to notice that tears were just about to fall, Veigar did the one thing he thought he never would do, he opened his arms and welcomed her in for a hug. At the motion Lulu instantly dashed into his arms crying into his robe.

"I didn't know what to do after what the institute of war did, they managed to fix what I thought no one but me could." He sighed "I'm surprised Poppy didn't tell you how her group saved the prisoners." Lulu stopped for a second before looking up at him.

"I knew it! I knew she was hiding something about you" Veigar couldn't help but let out a small chuckle

"Okay, thats enough. What did you want me for again?"

Lulu seemed to finally remember what she had came to do, she turned around looking for a clock. When she finally found it her eyes widened at the time, the two had talked for hours already.

"Isn't it lonely out here? Why don't you live in the dorms with all the others?" Veigar looked at her incredulously before shaking his head

"You think I, would live with a bunch of cheerful, happy yordles? Please, I spend to much time with you all as it is." He rose his voice before leaving the couch

"But, it doesn't feel right when you're not there." This made Veigar freeze in his tracks.

"Nothing feels right for me anymore, I'm not living with those hamsters if it's the last thing I do." With that, Veigar entered his room and slammed the door behind him not even making sure if Lulu had left.

"Fine, we go" Ornn

Sorry for the two day delay, I struggled to add what I wanted and keep it somewhat similar to the original, but after a while I decided to just add what I wanted and stray a little far off from the original to not delay it further. I will somehow bring it back in the future but for the next few chapters it will probably be different from the original. Thanks for being patient :D

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