Chapter 20: A way back home

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Veigar and Lulu stepped out of the portal that the book had opened to find every other yordle that had followed them staring at them with confusion and relief. Tristana and Poppy quickly made their way towards Lulu and gave her a hug, while Teemo walked over to Veigar giving him a small smile, one the mage rolled his eyes at.

At the back Kennen and Rumble, however, looked on guard, as if thinking something or someone would attack them.

"It's alright guys," Lulu spoke calmly, Kennen instantly relaxed and made his way over to Lulu with a smile. Rumble after seeing Kennen calm down followed suit and made his way towards the group.

"Oh thank god you're okay! We didn't know where you were, all Yuumi would tell us was you were somewhere even she dared not venture." Kennen rushed worriedly as Lulu just stood and blinked at him before letting out a small giggle.

"Of course I'm okay." She said as she started taking a few steps towards Veigar and lacing her fingers with his. "I was with Veigar." Lulu gave the rest of the group a large grin as they stared with wide eyes at the two.

Kennen seemingly finally processing what had happened stood there and stared towards Lulu with a torn look. Veigar just looked off to the side, clearly embarrassed that she had revealed it so soon.

"So where did you two go?" Tristana finally spoke after getting over her shock.

"Yeah, what's this place that even the cat wouldn't want to go to?" Poppy continued hoping to get answers.

"The void," Veigar replied shocking the yordles even more.

"The void is real? Why in the name of runeterra would you go there?" Teemo asked quickly to which Veigar gave out a sigh.

"While sleeping after the Mordekaiser incident I had a dream," Veigar explained. "I saw my mother, and she explained the cause of her death and what had happened." He paused clearly struggling to continue. Lulu gave his hand a squeeze and looked at him sadly.

"I can tell them what I know if you want?" Lulu suggested but Veigar shook his head.

"My father killed my mother." Veigar let go of the bombshell causing many of the yordles to gasp. Many looked like they wanted to ask questions but Veigar continued. "He wasn't himself, the void was corrupting the glade and he helped my mother save the glade. But in the process, he got corrupted himself and killed my mother. When I learnt of this I went to the void in order to stop my father from doing anything more foolish."

Many of the yordles nodded in understanding at Veigars explanation.

"I told the cat, not to tell anyone about where I was going." He sent a pointed stare towards the cat who looked at him sheepishly.

"Hey! It's not my fault, Lulu was so stubborn. She wouldn't let me go until I told her where you were." The cat replied indignantly, this caused many of the yordles to chuckle at her words.

"Yes I know, I am not reprimanding you for letting her go. I would be dead otherwise." This made several of the yordles give him questioning looks. "My father had some sort of barrier protecting him from my spells, and he hadn't regained his wits. Lulu's magic was what destroyed the barrier allowing me to breakthrough, even though I don't like to admit it, my father was still stronger and was able to beat me." Veigar looked almost ashamed.

Kennen couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Veigar's expression but a hard glare from everyone else in the group shut him up.

"I was about to be blasted to oblivion when Lulu revealed herself to my father. Having fallen in love with a fae sorceress before, he started remembering after seeing a similar fae sorceress. The only big difference between my mother and Lulu is their hair colour and a few facial features." Veigar explained. "Lulu was able to break through to my father and set back the plans the void had in their invasion by decades, many even centuries."

Lulu smiled at Veigar sadly and leaned onto him while latching onto his arm. Veigar returned her smile with a similar sad one before turning to the rest of the yordles.

"Where's your father now?" Teemo asked carefully, but the look on both Lulu and Veigar's face gave away the answer before they even replied.

"Gone," Veigar said. "He sacrificed himself so we could live, and have a winning chance against the void."

"He's with your mother now," Lulu said to him, this caused the mage's smile to widen a bit.

"I'm not sure he is, but hopefully they have found their peace."

"No. He is in the glade, I feel his spirit in the glade. Alongside your mothers. It is as if his return sparked enough energy for her to at least take a spirit form in the glade." The fae explained, finally joining the conversation. Veigar shot him a grateful look before turning to the rest of the group as a comfortable silence formed.

"I think its time to return to the dorms. While we have the battle to prepare for, I am hoping for a couple years of peace until then." The mage spoke, breaking the silence. His suggestion got a lot of nods from the group as they turned to the now woken up cat on the window cill expectantly. Yuumi stared at them in confusion for a while before a lightbulb seemed to appear in her head.

"I can get you all home," Yuumi said excitedly before jumping onto her book. "On one condition though." The cat trailed off towards the end.

"What condition would that be?" Lulu asked curiously

"Let me come with you!" Yuumi spoke again. "It has been lonely these few years without my yordle. And seeing you two return without her, I have to face the fact that she is gone."

"She isn't gone." The cat sent a surprising look at Veigar. "While in the void we didn't learn of your yordles whereabouts. She may be still out there. Keep looking and you may find out what happened to her."

Yuumi couldn't help but tear up a little when she heard about her master before turning to the group with an expectant look.

"Yes, while you are not searching for your yordle, you are of course welcomed to stay with us." Lulu beamed at the cat as Yuumi started prancing around in the air happily.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go home." Poppy said tiredly. Yuumi only nodded towards her book as it opened once more, leading the yordles back to the dorms.

Late as usual, but hey better late than never. I had trouble deciding if the main story should end here or not but ultimately decided to end its next chapter. So we have one more chapter to this journey before it's over and I can start working on the special chapters I have in mind. 

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