Chapter 13: Secrets Revealed

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Veigar returned home to a group of yordles bunched up outside of his house, his eye twitched in annoyance as he started walking towards his house again, the closer he got to his house the more forced he used to stomp on the floor.

"What is the meaning of this?" Veigar demanded the group of yordles that had huddled around his door. Before anyone could answer a purple and violet blur slammed into Veigars stomach knocking him onto the floor.

"Where were you!? You weren't in your house when I called you for breakfast." A teary eyed Lulu came into Veigar's vision. He blinked a few times trying to process what had just happened, before putting a hand on Lulu's shoulder stopping her current sobbing.

"Get off of me" Veigar quietly said, Lulu stared at him a while in confusion before her face turned bright red. She quickly scrambled off of Veigar, when the mage got up he stared emotionlessly towards the rest of the group.

Veigar slowly walked towards his house once again, this time his expression not changing. He felt a tug on his sleeve, he turned to face the still teared up face of Lulu. Veigar slowly raised his sleeve not even know what he himself was doing, pulling it over his hand making sure the spikes were no where near his hand. He quickly wiped the tears away from Lulu's face, before he turned around to go back to his house.

Before he could reach his house however Kennen and Teemo stepped forward, both had a look of determination on their face. Veigar continued looking forward emotionlessly not bothered by the fact that the two clearly wanted to speak with him.

By the time the mage had reached the two yordles, Kennen had a shuriken in his hand while Teemo reached for his blowdart. For the first time in a while a look of annoyance made its way to Veigars face as he tried to push past them.

"We don't trust you enough let you be alone for even a second. Where were you?" Kennen demanded an answer from Veigar. Teemo also had the same look of determination on his face, however Teemo's expression had faltered slightly by the look on Veigars face.

"Veigar, I'm sure you understand that we don't exactly trust you yet. Please tell us where you've been, it will help us all." Teemo asked softly, there was a moment of silence before Veigar let out a sigh.

"I was out, practicing spells until..." Veigar started

"Until what? What happened" Kennen once again demanded when there was no sign of him wanting to continue.

"That matter is best left for me to know" Veigar spat darkly as he finally pushed the two out of the way. Veigar stormed into his house, slamming the door behind him. Every yordle just stared with wide eyes at what they had just witnessed.

After a while many of the yordles that stayed at the dorms turned around to continue with their lives, the ones that remained were Lulu, Kennen, Teemo, Tristana and Poppy who was unknowingly in the shadows. Lulu looked at Veigars house in worry before a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"He will open up to us, it will take time. We can only hope that it can get better from here." Teemo comforted, this made Lulu smiled before she heard Kennen's retort.

"That yordle is evil, he will never open up to us." Teemo sent Kennen a stare.

"Just because you are quick Kennen, doesn't mean the others are as well. Veigar will open up, he just needs time." Poppy said as she stepped out in the light. "Veigar has not had a good past, even though I thought I knew what turned him this way, clearly it isn't just because of his trip to Noxus. Something is bothering him, we just need to wait for him to open up."

Kennen looked down at the ground, looking somewhat guilty. Teemo shot Poppy a grateful look before turning to give Lulu a smile and leaving with Tristana and Kennen. Throughout the whole ordeal, Lulu had fallen onto her knees, Poppy helped her up with a sad smile on her face.

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