Chapter 6: Trip To the Mall

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After a while of being in his room, Veigar had decided to leave and go and find something to eat, once he exited his house however he still found Lulu sitting on his couch having a conversation with her fae friend. Veigar let out a cough to signify that he was present, when Lulu turned around he rose an eyebrow at her as if questioning why she was still in his house.

Lulu however didn't seem to get his gesture as she just showed him a smile, Veigar's shoulders slumped as he gave out an audible sigh.

"what are you still doing here woman?" Lulu continued to stare at him with a smile, it was almost as if she didn't understand the point of him asking.

After a little stare off between the two a knock was heard at the door, Veigar stared at his door in confusion before walking towards it. The moment he opened it, all hell broke loose, in came two of what Veigar thought were the worst possible yordles.

Tristana barged into the room and rushed towards Lulu giving her a big hug, meanwhile Teemo just stayed at the doorway leaning against the frame, he gave Veigar a knowing look. Veigar's could feel a burn within him, the look in his eyes instantly made Teemo back away slightly as a look of horror made it's way to his face.

Veigar turned around and glared at the two laughing yordles behind him, both of them stopping when they saw his face.

"GET. OUT. NOW!!!" Veigar screamed, Lulu let out a yelp as Tristana and Teemo took steps backwards.

For a while he stood there, furious at the yordles in his house, especially a lavender skinned one. They stood until Teemo broke the silence

"You do realise, we're here to take Lulu back to the dorms right?" The mage turned around to glare at the scout

"Yeah! Because your girlfriend barging into my house is definitely leaving!" Veigar retorted, upon hearing this Teemo and Tristana went beet red while Lulu let out a gasp.

"I never knew you two were a thing" Lulu exclaimed happily "Congratulations!" Tristana's eyes opened wider before she started shaking her head vigorously.

"NO! Nonononono! No we aren't, though I wish we were" She said the last part quietly, only Lulu heard her and Lulu gave her best friend a knowing look. Teemo got out of his shock from the comment and sent a glare at Veigar, which was only sent right back at him.

Teemo looked at the Tristana and Lulu, then back to Veigar before a plan formed in his head.

"Well, we were planning on going shopping after this, find some food, maybe even going to the arcade. Why don't you take your girlfriend and we all go out together."

"L-like a double date?" Lulu piped up, her face was red as well but Veigar remained neutral.

"No, I've been spending to much time with you all. Plus, she's not my girlfriend nor am I interested in starting a relationship with anyone. Now get out of my house!" Veigar demanded while pointing at Teemo, or more specifically the door.

"Aw, Veigar. Don't ruin the fun for us, the more the merrier right?" Teemo probed Veigar more, urging him to give in. "We could even go to the place I know you love to go to." Veigar shot Teemo a warning glare before muttering.

"You ever mention anything, about that place again, and I will blast you." Veigar threatened, but Teemo just gave a smirk, he wanted this reaction. He walked up to Veigar and whispered next to him.

"You come with us, spend time with Lulu. And I won't ever mention it ever again." Teemo blackmailed, Veigar narrowed his eyes at Teemo before countering.

"Or, I could blast you right here, right now." Teemo let out his signature laugh before giving his replying.

"You know what the league would do to you, if they found out you ruined the peace." Veigar let out a sigh.

"Fine, I'll come. It's like I'm making a deal with the god forsaken devil." He muttered turning around and entering his room again, not before Teemo answered again however with a indignant

"Hey! I heard that!"

By the time Veigar exited his room again, the rest were outside waiting for him. Veigar couldn't believe he agreed, but Teemo did make a valid point, it would be tiresome and tedious for the others to learn his secret.

Together the four yordles made there way out of the dark forest onto the pathway. Teemo, Tristana and Lulu walked ahead while Veigar remained behind, silently trailing behind the three. When they reached the shopping district Veigar let out a silent groan at the size of the place, he was even more annoyed when a a hazel furred yordle rushed up towards them.

"Hey guys! What are you all doing here? Hi Lulu" Kennen said as he walked up right next to her, he got very close to her before Lulu walked slightly away. I rolled my eyes at the interaction. Tristana was the one who answered him.

"Oh! We're here to have fun, do some shopping and we might even go to the arcade later. Wanna come?" Kennen's eyes quite literally lit up at the idea. Veigar rolled his eyes again and let out a low growl, one that only Lulu took notice.

The 5 yordles then made their way into the mall, while Veigar continued to trudge behind them slowly.

"I'm undisputed" Sett

Okay, so this was not part of my first version at all, mostly because I found in the old one that there wasn't really much reason for Veigar to agree to go with Lulu to eat. So I changed it into something I hope will be better and entertaining, I have plans for where this will lead even though its very different from the original, I like the changes I have planned and hope you all will to.

I honestly wanted to write more, I generally don't like writing chapters under 1000 words, however, I already felt like a bit of the end was forced and didn't want to force it more. Plus I didn't want to write a 2000 word chapter, not yet anyway, so sorry for a shorter chapter.

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