Chapter 8: Deep Fear

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The group found their way to Pantheons bakery, one the aspect of war had opened after the institute of war had finished their business. It was quite a large bakery with a restaurant inside of it. The yordles sat at a table close to the window, much to Veigars liking as he uncharacteristically dived for the window seat.

They looked through the menu, after a while they had chosen their meals and it was down to Teemo to order for them. Normally Teemo would have played some sort of prank or pulled Veigars attention to force Veigar to order himself, but it was clear that he didn't want to be disturbed.

Veigar just stared out of the window longingly, he had missed many things with her, many birthdays that the two miraculously shared the same day. He remembered when the two would always have a walk through bandle city park.

Teemo started conversation but Veigar just ignored it, he only started interacting when their food had arrived. Throughout the entire ordeal Lulu kept giving Veigar worried glances, not that Veigar had noticed.

Kennen on the other hand was trying everything he could to keep Lulu's attention on him, however Lulu was normally distracted easily and with the dark mage on her mind it was hard for her to keep her attention on him.

The group had a relatively silent dinner, the yordles ate, paid the bill and left. Veigar had only split from the group a small while before he heard a shout.

"Veigar! Why don't you come with us to the dorms?" He turned around and tried to send a glare towards her, but he couldn't. The rest of the group had also turned around to look at Lulu. All sending her different looks.

Kennen looked shocked and a little betrayed that Lulu would want Veigar to go with them, Teemo had a look of horror as he remembered the last time Veigar had been in the dorms and Tristana tried to mask her fear, but Veigar could see right through it.

"There's a reason I don't stay in the dorms." With that he turned around and made his way to his house. Without anything else to say the other yordles turned around and left, all of them letting other than Lulu out a sigh of relief.

Veigar had stayed in his house for a few weeks, he of course was used to this sort of isolation, however he was not used to needing to keep others out of his house. Not many people used to willingly come to his house, but in the few weeks he had locked himself in, Teemo and Lulu had made various trips to his house.

He of course had ignored them and continued to read arcane magics, he had tried learning a new less destructive type of magic, but it was proven hard as many practice sessions resulted in him burning the arcane mastery book.

When Veigar had finally ran out of food, he let out a loud sigh. Of course this meant that he had to make his way to the town, this meant he would have the chance to run into any of the yordles. He had no choice in the matter however as he grabbed a small bag and his staff, and for the first time in weeks he opened his front door.

It was dark out, Veigar was surprised that it was dark. He had not kept track of the daylight cycle for days. Veigar of course didn't mind the dark, he preferred it, even though there were stories of the dark coming to life, Veigar knew them all, he had conquered them all.

The forest was not forgiving when it came to letting moonlight in, so Veigar had to trust his instincts when it came to the forrest, this of course was no problem to Veigar. What Veigar couldn't stand was a constant nagging in the back of his head that something was wrong.

It may have had something to do with a small creaking sound, as well as crows. Those sounds gave Veigar the sense of uneasiness, he had felt like this before and he knew who was responsible for it. Veigar didn't want to deal with him, but he didn't really have a choice.

Veigar had expected him to jump out anywhere, however what he was not expecting was a screech to the left of him. He instinctively rushed towards the screech, he was curious what it was and if his theory of who it was was correct.

Once he had reached the place where the scream had emanated from, his eyes widened. If it was any other creature or person, Veigar would have probably walked away, but the sight Veigar saw gave him a sickening feeling.

Lulu was on the floor, unconscious from what Veigar could tell. Hovering her was a robotic creature covered in a pale like cloth, it had one raised metallic claw as it stuttered toward Lulu slowly. It was the scarecrow.

Veigar had been correct in his assumption, just as the scarecrow was about to strike the unconscious form of Lulu. Veigar shot a bolt out of his gloved hand, the scarecrow stumbled back slightly and seemingly glared towards him.

Veigar stepped out into the opening with a glare on his face as he stalked towards Lulu, eyes always on the scarecrow. The scarecrow tilted his head slightly as if recognising Veigar.

", dark mage" the scarecrow screeched slowly, Veigar's glare only hardened at what the scarecrow had said.

"Leave, while you still can." The creature just stared at Veigar in confusion before standing still, Veigar had thought the creature was off to find its next pray, however the next second had proved him wrong. The scarecrow leapt in front of Veigar and let out a horrifying screech, right in Veigars face.

That however just angered Veigar more, as another baleful strike flew past the scarecrow causing the creature to leap back.

"You...Fear me?" The scarecrow looked at him questioningly, but Veigar just chuckled at the question.

"I don't fear you, or anything. Fiddlesticks." At the mention of his name the scarecrow stiffened slightly before lowering down. It gave off what Veigar thought was a laugh before going silent again.

"No...fear something else..." This time it was Veigars turn to stiffen, the scarecrow once again tilted its head "You...fear people, connections. severed." The dark mage sent a glare towards the creature.

"I do not fear, I cannot fear." Veigar sounded like he was convincing himself more than the scarecrow, the creature let out a laugh again. Veigar nearly winced at how painful the laugh sounded.

"Everyone...fears. Everyone!" The scarecrow raised his scythe ready to strike the yordle in dark robes. Veigar prepared himself for the scythe but it never came, instead a purple barrier with flowers surrounded him, he looked around in wonder for a second before his eyes landed on Lulu.

The female yordle had raised her staff casting a shielding spell on him, she offered him a weak smile before slipping away to unconsciousness again. Veigars eyes widened at the sight of Lulu on the floor.

He whipped around only for the shield to fall and the scarecrows claw strike down in a deadly arc. The claw slashed at Veigars forehead and eye, he could feel blood dripping down but he stood his ground.

The scarecrow let out another laugh before raising his scythe again, this time Veigar casted an event horizon, freezing the scarecrow in place.

"You don't get to control me. I am Veigar, the master of all dark arts and magics. I will not be scared of some...filthy robot with rags pretending to be a scarecrow." The dark mage's staff glowed a dark purple as a meteor made its way onto the slim robotic skeleton in front of him.

The scarecrow slowly faded into the dark as It left the two, Veigar was about to tend to Lulu when he heard the scarecrow speak once more.

"Fiddle...sticks!" Veigar kept glancing around the area for a while before finally realising that the scarecrow had left. He turned around to check if Lulu was alright, he let out a sigh of relief when he found that she was still alive.

The dark mage stood up and carried Lulu like a bride back to his house, even though he still needed to go and shop, he thought the fae sorcerer more important.

"Fear." Fiddlesticks rework 2020

Yep, I put the not even released yet fiddlesticks into my story. I heard his quotes and knew this would work for my story. The original had Zed come in be the villain but then instantly apologise which was pretty silly on my part, so I thought fiddle would do very well which I hope it did. Hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I wrote it :D

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