Chapter 10: Scars of the broken

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Veigars eye twitched at the sight they saw when they opened Lulu's door, many of the yordles were grouped up outside trying to listen into their conversation. Kennen had a permanent scowl on his face as he glared at the dark mage, Lulu ignored the looks that the yordles gave them and skipped towards the cafeteria for breakfast with Veigar trailing behind her.

The rest of the group followed the two towards the canteen still keeping their eyes glued onto Veigar. Breakfast was silent, once every yordle had received their breakfast they had sat down still eyeing Veigar warily. After a while of eating the silence was broken.

"What are you all looking at Veigar like that for" Lulu questioned, the almost every yordles gaze turned towards her but quickly looked away at the look on Lulu's face. She was angry, Lulu the fae sorceress was angry at them for giving Veigar a look.

"You have to understand, he's Veigar. He's a..." Tristana faltered and decided to think on her next words, however Kennen didn't hesitate to say the word Tristana would've said.

"A monster, Lulu you have no idea what he is capable of. Think back to the one yordle meeting he had attended, he obviously wants to do something ba..." Kennen stopped when Lulu gave him a look, Veigar meanwhile just sat in the background, somewhat amused that this was happening, he smiled at the fact that he still struck fear into the other yordles even though Lulu didn't seem to ever be affected.

"He's not a monster, he saved me. He's saved me so many times, theres no way Veigar is a monster." Lulu defended Veigar but Teemo stopped her from going any further.

"Do you know how many people he has killed? I doubt saving one life makes up for the millions he has killed, there is no way we can trust him. He might have even come here to kill us even after knowing what the institute did." Teemo explained, Lulu's eyes widened when she heard about the possibility of Veigar having killed people.

"Thats not true, haven't killed anyone have you?" Veigar finally raised his head at the question, his eyes looked bored. It looked as if Veigar knew what the others were implying.

"So what if I have? What if I have killed people, its not like I would be the first yordle to kill someone would it?" Lulu's eyes widened even further at his answer, it was clear that was not the answer she had wanted to hear.

Veigar got up from the table and turned around to leave, Lulu wanted to stop him but Teemo put a hand on her shoulder. Before Veigar left he turned around to the group of yordles behind him.

"I may be evil, but I am not a killer. Call me a killer if you want, but know this. I wanted to watch this world drown in sorrow, I wanted to make everyone feel my wrath and bend the world to it's knees." When he was finished he turned around leaving.

Once he had left the yordles turned around to Lulu to make sure she was alright, Lulu had tears in her eyes, she alone knew what Veigar truly wanted. The other yordles started comforting her trying to make her feel better but she couldn't feel better, not while Veigar was still hurt.

"It's alright Lulu, Veigar's gone. He can't hurt any of us anymore." Kennen coaxed her but that made something inside her snap, her head whipped around towards Kennen and sent him a glare.

"How could you!! He never hurt me!! Veigar never did anything other than take care of me. None of you know what you are talking about. Veigar isn't a monster! I know he isn't!" Lulu screamed at the rest.

"B-but he threatened you, we were there when he threatened you." Kennen retorted

"He threatened me, yes. But threats are just threats if you don't act upon them! Veigar never had any intention to hurt me or anyone. All he wanted was a world where all of us could live in peace! All he ever wanted was for everyone to be together!" Lulu scolded the other yordles.

"What do you mean! All he has done is destroy things and torture people. He's done nothing but get stronger for his own sake!" Kennen screamed back but Lulu didn't back down. Instead she let out a small broken laugh.

"Veigar never wanted power for his own sake. All he ever wanted was peace, he saw the worlds conflict, he saw it with a broken mind. He was so far twisted he could think of no other solution. He gained power so that everyone would fear him! So that every faction would group up together to kill him! He had no intention of ever being all powerful forever, he always had the intention to stay mortal or else he would have been immortal by now!" Lulu screamed out as the yordles eyes widened at her explanation.

"Its true. Veigar did want world peace." Everyone turned towards Teemo who had been silent this entire time. "In the past, I was tasked with destroying all of Veigars plans. The bandle scout group knew he was up to something. We never really knew what but we knew it was bad, so they sent me to take care of him. But, I soon found out that he never really had any evil intention."

"What? Then why haven't you said anything till now?" Kennen grabbed Teemo by the shoulders.

"You think, if I said anything that everyone would believe me? That the so called master of evil was not evil at all?" Kennen let go of Teemo as a look of shame made it's way onto his face. "Once I found out his intentions, I helped him, purposely failed my missions as a way to repay and help him. Even though he says he is, Veigar is not evil, no. He's twisted, dark but not evil."

"Whats the difference? Being dark and evil are just the same thing" Kennen shouted back.

"So are you saying that forcing someone live when they just want to end it all and have their peace is good?" Teemo's question hung in the air for a while as each yordle thought about it until Tristana spoke up.

"No, that isn't good. But how does this have anything to do with Veigar?" Lulu's eyes widened as she finally caught on to what Teemo had been saying.

"What was Veigars last step to his plan?" Teemo asked another question, this time Lulu answered it.

"To make everyone hate him, bad together and kill him." Every yordles eyes widened when they finally connected the dots.

"Exactly, he never had any intention to continue living. But the thought that the world would never be at peace stuck with him." Teemo continued but was stopped by Kennen

"So what, the worlds at peace now, he can rest easy can he not?" Teemo let out a chuckle at Kennen's obliviousness.

"You call this peace? The institute may have set certain boundaries to insure no war would break out. However, there will always be those that rebel against the idea, just like the two noxians on that day. If anything the institute forced their plan out early in order to stop Veigar from using his. They didn't care if Veigar suffered any consequence, all they knew was that Veigar could not die if they wanted their ideal world." There was a moment of silence before anyone spoke up again.

"How do we know Veigar is suffering, we've never seen..." Kennen was stopped midway

"I have." Lulu stated. "I have seen them, I saw the scars that are burned into his flesh. But those weren't all, he's not only physically scarred." Teemo let out a small nod to Lulu.

"Even though I don't like the idea, and I really don't. We need to have Veigar come to the dorms, after all we are yordles, yordles desire communication with other yordles the most. We must make Veigar see that again, before he does something stupid." Teemo stated leaving no room for arguments.

With that Teemo stood up and started heading for the door, the others looking at him curiously before he turned around and sent them all a genuine smile.

"I'll try to get him to live with us, it will be better for us as well if we understand Veigar's past and pain." He explained before turning around once more following behind the long gone shadow of Veigar.

"Destiny, Domination, Deceit" Mordekaiser

Welp, this was drastically changed from what I put in my original one, but I guess that was kind of the point. Hope you enjoyed this, until next time.

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