Chapter 7: Arcade Stomp

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"BAM!!! I win!" Kennen exclaimed as he beat Teemo in one of the arcade games, the latter just rolled his eyes as he held out his hand which Kennen sheepishly shook. Veigar in the meantime just stay behind minding his own business watching the four play their games.

The girls were playing their own game while Kennen and Teemo were off finding their own, Veigar looked around the place with a look a familiarity. It looked a lot like the one that he would always go to as a child, he was quietly reminiscing when he heard a giggle off to his side.

He turned to face Lulu which was holding back laughter at what Teemo was doing to Kennen in the game they were playing, Kennen was losing quite badly. Veigar just rolled his eyes and scoffed at the two. Kennen heard him but just continued to play, in the end Teemo had won by a landslide.

Teemo was rubbing it in Kennen's face when Veigar had finally had enough, they had been in the arcade for hours just going around playing different games. Veigar had finally lost his patience.

"When are we leaving this childish place" He demanded, the rest turned to him, Kennen sending him a glare.

"If you want to leave, leave. We want to have more fun. It's not like you're participating anyway." Kennen waved him off. Veigar's eye twitched at the rats response before stalking up menacingly.

"Unfortunately, Teemo won't let me go that easily. Or are you really that stupid to think that if I was able to, I would not have left already." This left Kennen speechless, however Teemo watched in amusement.

Kennen and Veigar were about to get into a fight when Teemo stopped the two with a suggestion.

"How about, you two face off in a game. Winner decides if we stay or leave." Kennen raised his chin challengingly at Veigar, the latter just rolled his eyes but nodded, Kennen however had one more condition in mind.

"I get to pick the game though." Veigar sighed, he just wanted this to be over with.

"Whatever" he stated. The group then made their way to one of the newer arcade machines. Bit Rush, a game where you recruited heroes to defeat the evil lord himself, the characters were based off of the league champions, the final boss being a character inspired by Veigar.

The game had three modes, easy, normal and hard. Of course kennen had selected the normal level. You started off with three lives and you had to make your way through the dungeon beating mini-bosses along the way. On normal mode, you could rotate between five heroes, all of which had 3 lives.

The first mini-boss was a character based off of Blitzcrank, it was a robot with a hooking arm and static charge. It was a easiest of the six mini-bosses. Once Kennen was at the final boss, he only had one life for each of his characters, two of which were already dead. The final boss easily swept through Kennens team and the game over screen was shown.

Kennen smiled smugly at Veigar, he had made it to the last round. Kennen was confident Veigar had no way of beating him at the game. Veigar on the other hand didn't look phased at all, he just strolled up to the console as the rest of the yordles stared at him.

A few other people had gathered around the console to queue up for the next play, so Veigar had quite the audience. Veigar pushed a few buttons around before he smiled. He quickly selected his difficulty and played.

Every person who was watching Veigar played had their mouths open as he breezed through all of the mini-bosses. First Blitzcrank, then Ziggs, then Brand, then Yasuo, then Qiyana and lastly Malzahar. By the time he reached the final boss, he had not lost a single life.

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