Chapter 14: Yordles Stick Together

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The next morning started very similar to the rest, the yordles were enjoying their breakfast until one bubbly yordle noticed someone was missing. Not thinking much of it, she left her food and started to walk out of the dorms, Teemo who noticed hurriedly caught up to Lulu stopping her movement.

"I-I'm sure Veigar is tired from all his planning, lets not rush him into things" The scout stalled as Lulu just shook his hand off.

"Veigar said he would wait till lunch to leave, he's coming to breakfast." Lulu said stubbornly turning around to continue her way to Veigar's house. Teemo tried to think of another way to delay what Lulu was about to find out, but he came up with nothing.

With a look of defeat on his face he watched at the fae sorceress walked towards the empty house, knocking on the door. After a while of nobody answering the door, Lulu unlocked the door with a spell and twisted the door knob.

A look of panic started to make its way onto Lulu's face as she noticed the house was empty, she looked around until her eyes landed onto a note that was placed onto the table. Her eyes widened when she read the contents of the note, tears threatened to fall as she fought them back, the truth that the dark mage had already left finally seeped in as she started crying.

Yordles made their way into the now open house trying their best to comfort their friend, Lulu had been bawling her eyes out for a while now and they still had no success in trying to stop her. Teemo looked at Lulu and Tristana sadly before a look of confidence made its way onto his face as he left the house.

Teemo looked through all of his maps and notes until he finally found one tattered but still readable map, a map that showed the route to a bandle gateway right outside of noxus, the spell to open the gate as well as where it resided in bandle city clearly laid out. Even with the gateway it would take a while before they found a bandle gateway to enter bandle city to begin with.

The scout let out a sigh as he looked out the window and into the sky before looking back down into the map in his hands, rolling it back up and putting it into his satchel he once again made his way towards Veigars house. When he reached the house he let out a sigh of relief when he noticed that Tristana had somehow made Lulu calm down, the sorceress still looked like she wanted to cry but she was holding it in.

Tristana's attention moved towards Teemo when she noticed him returning, a look of confusion plastered onto her face. The scout sent her a smile while he made his way towards the two, many of the yordles that had originally been there were now gone, only a few remaining.

Grabbing the map out of his satchel, Teemo placed it onto the table that Lulu had been sitting at. This caused her to look up at the map and at Teemo questioningly. Lulu studied the map for a short while before a look of hope made its way onto her face.

"Veigar may be stubborn to think he has no one and he needs to protect everyone with his unique ways, but we can show him we can help him." Teemo said with confidence "Veigar has probably teleported there once he was in range, but we can follow him with a bandle gateway."

A smile quickly made it's way onto Lulu's face as she jumped onto Teemo thanking him over and over again until turning towards the map, she grabbed it and started making her way out of the house before being stopped by Teemo.

"Where do you think you're going?" Teemo questioned

"To help Veigar!" Lulu exclaimed

"Alone?" Teemo asked again "It wouldn't be a good idea." Lulu's ears drooped down at what she thought Teemo was implying.

"We're coming with you!" Tristana jumped out from behind Teemo with a smile on her face, her statement putting big bright smile on Lulu's face.

"We don't want to leave Veigar alone either, time for him to learn that yordles stick together." Teemo said as he turned around to look at the other three yordles that had stayed behind. "You three coming?"

Rumble, Kennen and Poppy all looked up. Poppy flashed a toothy grin as she walked up towards Tristana high giving her.

"You bet I am!" Poppy exclaimed putting her hammer on her shoulder. Kennen and Rumble on the other hand didn't look like they were going to agree, until Lulu and Tristana begged the two to join. The yordles gathered their own supplies before meeting up to leave, most of the group determined to help the dark mage on his quest.

"First we need to get to a bandle gate, once we enter bandle city the map can guide us to Noxus." Teemo suggested as the group started walking.

"Why don't we just find Yuumi?" Lulu pondered as the group gave her a perplexing look.

"Yuumi? The magical cat, who knows where she is." Kennen stated, Lulu however, had more to say.

"Yuumi's master was a yordle, Yuumi said she normally stays at her masters place. Once we find her masters house Yuumi's book can teleport us to anywhere, even near Veigar. Wouldn't it be easier if we just find Yuumi?" Lulu explained to the group of Yordles.

"Great! We can do that instead." Teemo said excitedly as he continued walking down the path "Only issue is we need to find a bandle gateway."

"Oh I know where a bunch are." Poppy said as the group turned to her with wide eyes. "What? I do a lot of things for Demacian's, many of which mean I have to go to far places. The bandle gateways have been very useful to me so I know where a lot are."

"And you tell us this now? Can you tell us where the closest one is?" Teemo asked Poppy as she nodded before walking into the forest.

"The nearest one is close to Veigars house, though I'm not sure if he knows it is there or not." Poppy shrugged before she led the rest of the yordles towards the the gateway.

When the group reached the gateway Teemo said one thing that got the group ready.

"Whose ready to stop the dark mage."

Sorry for the delayed chapter, kinda been busy with work over the past few days. Also decided on stopping the champion lock in quotes cause I don't really think anyone cares about it, if you want it then tell me I'll continue it in the next chapter, if I don't hear anything from anyone then its gone for good. As always hope you guys enjoyed! 

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