Chapter 19: Memories of the corrupted

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The two had walked for what felt like hours, or so Veigar thought, but Kai'sa did mention that time was a difficult thing to keep track of in the void. She kept leading the way and the further they went the brighter the liquid-like substance grew, it was almost as if something or someone was giving it power.

Veigar was just about to ask how much further when they reached an opening, a lone building stood there, with a figure in front of it. The creature was nearly deceased, its body flowed with the glowing pinkish liquid that surrounded the void. Its eyes were a bright red, its body was a bit taller than Veigar's height. It seemed to be conversing with some of the other voidlings and hadn't noticed them yet. The mage could tell who this was.

When the creature finally noticed the two it looked shocked before speaking.

"What is it you two seek in this place. Do you wish to join the void?" It spoke in a raspy voice, Veigar looked at it softly before his gaze hardened.

"We had no wish to join you." Veigar spat out. "I will never forgive you for what you did." He growled out. However, the opposing yordle just stared at him in confusion.

"I have no memory of ever meeting you." Veigar's eyes narrowed before he quickly fired a baleful strike towards him.

A voidling jumped and blocked it, sacrificing itself for the yordle. The yordle just glared at the two in front of him before commanding the rest of the voidlings he had been with to attack. Veigar got into a ready position and was about to charge when a blast of plasma flew past his head.

"I got the voidlings, you get him." Kai'sa shouted out as she pointed towards the yordle, before she charged towards the voidlings. Veigar shot her a look of appreciation before turning towards the yordle in front of them.

"It is time to end this." The mage spoke darkly. This put an amused face on the corrupted yordles face.

"I agree. It is time to end this." He laughed as purple light emitted from his palms firing towards Veigar. Narrowly dodging it the mage fired back with multiple baleful strikes hoping one would hit him, but they hit what seemed like a barrier. This only caused the corrupted yordle to laugh even louder. "You cannot hurt me, I am stronger than you. The void fills me with power that you can never behold."

"It also made you turn on the one you love." Veigar shot back, this seemed to make the yordle falter for a while before he sent a glare towards the mage.

"You do not know what you're talking about, the void is all I have ever known, it has given me power beyond your comprehension." This made Veigar grow angry, the yordle in front of him did not even recognise what was going on around him anymore.

Swiftly, Veigar commanded a dark matter spell. The spell itself did not do any damage but it was able to create a smokescreen providing Veigar with little coverage. Using it, he quickly sent out multiple baleful strikes again, hoping one would get through the barrier, but all he heard was a laugh.

"You cannot hope to breach my barrier, your magic is not powerful enough. The magic of a weakling." His laughter boomed through the small opening and tunnels, Veigar could feel his rage grow, he was a lot of things but a weakling was something he was not.

"You dare call me a weakling? I am Veigar, I am master of all dark magic, I am the embodiment of darkness itself. I am not a weakling for fighting against this corruption. You are, for allowing such petty things to take control of your actions." Veigar shouted in his rage.

"Joining the void does not make me weak, it makes me strong. I have never felt stronger, it is only a matter of time until everything and everyone bends to the void." By now the smoke had cleared and the corrupted yordle was staring amusingly towards Veigar, his eyes like a hollow shell glowing purple. "Join the void, and forever be stronger than all of our kind."

The Broken and The Fae (Remastered)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें