Chapter 9: A Useless Feeling

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Days had passed since Lulu fell unconscious, Veigar had tried his best to take care of her, he forced himself to do things he normally would not do. What surprised Veigar the most was the fact that none of other yordles had went looking for her, especially Kennen.

He was shaken from his inner thoughts at the sound of coughing, Veigar quickly turned around to the open door of his room. Hearing the sounds of sheets shuffling he quickly grabbed a bowl and poured the soup that he had been making into it.

When he made his way into his room he saw Lulu lazily looking around, the look she had almost made Veigar let out a laugh.

" I?" Lulu's question came out as more of a whisper than anything but Veigar could hear it.

"My room, you've been unconscious for days." The dark mage stated blatantly.

Lulu's eyes widened at the fact as she scrambled to get up tripping over the sheets in the process, this caused her to fall onto Veigar who had caught her.

Her face was now red, she quickly got off of Veigar and apologised and tried to make a move out of the room, however, Veigar stopped her midway not allowing her to continue.

"Where do you think you're going?" Veigar asked in a commanding tone, Lulu shrunk back a bit towards the tone he had used.

"I...I need to go back, they must be worried about me." She turned to leave once again but Veigar called out to her.

"In your condition, there is no way you make it there yourself" Veigar got up ignoring the soup that he had brought in and started to get ready to leave. Once he was prepared he grabbed his staff and took a stance next to Lulu.

"Now, we leave." The look Veigar had on his face showed annoyance but he wasn't mad, he should've been, but he couldn't get himself to be mad at what had happened for the second time.

The look of annoyance on Veigars face wasn't enough to bring down Lulu however, she had regained her happy mood ever since she realised Veigar would be coming with her. The two made their way out towards the forest.

Both yordles already knew the woods but it really was the only way back to the dorms, Lulu skipped on ahead happily while Veigar seemed to be sulking behind. Around half way Lulu stopped causing Veigar to let out a grunt.

"What are you doing." Veigar commanded for an answer however Lulu just turned around to look at him curiously.

"I just remembered something, when you attended the yordle gathering didn't you use a spell for teleportation?" Lulu asked Veigar, the latter only had a bored expression on his face

"If I knew where the dorms were, I would teleport there. But I don't, never been there, never will." Veigar said stubbornly before continuing towards the city, Lulu however just stood there before an idea popped in her head.

"I know where they are!" She shouted at the now far away mage, Veigar rolled his eyes as he turned back around.

"Can you cast a teleport spell then? If you can, why have you not suggested one this entire time!" Veigar raised his voice towards the end of his statement, Lulu had already shrunken at how loud he was being.

"No...I don't know a teleport spell..." she replied timidly, this caused Veigar to lose his patients even more.

"Then why suggest it in the first place." With that the dark mage once again turned around to leave for the city. Lulu started running to catch up with the mage before grabbing his hand to bring him to a halt.

"I may have a solution for that." This gained Veigars attention as he beckoned her to continue "What if you cast the spell and I think of where we need to go? We both need to be holding your staff though."

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