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Word count: 2074                                                                                                                                                                  Recommended Song: Battle Cry by Imagine Dragons

False crouched behind a pillar. She was spying on the grey skins, as they were having a meeting. Some of the people seemed, different. It was so sad to see them slowly changing from their living selves, her friends, to these dead creatures. False didn't know what was up, but some of the dead seemed nicer, while others seemed to be very evil.

Oh my! False noticed Cub was just walking around holding TNT. Not caring where he was, just holding it. Scar was in the room, but nearer to the back. His eyes flicked back and forth as if he was uncomfortable there.

False huddled further back as Tango, who was very much a demon now, scanned the room. A light suddenly flashed in the room. Was she found out? False pressed herself to the wall as the dead hurried out. Scar stayed, walking to her pillar. She sucked in a breath, hoping that he couldn't hear her madly beating heart. A hand rested on her shoulder.

False started to shriek, but Scar put a finger on her lips. "If you don't want the others to know you're here, follow me and stay quiet."

False trembled as she nodded. Scar grabbed her hand and rushed her to a back room. His hand strangely had warmth in it. Scar hurriedly closed the door.

"What are you doing here? Do you know what they would do to you if they caught you?" Scar seemed worried.

"I was doing fine on my own." False then realized what he said. "Wait, they? Aren't you dead? I thought you all wanted the death of the living."

Scar hesitated. "I've not been under the influence as much as the others. Granted I've had my moments but not nearly as bad as the others."

"What do you mean?" False narrowed her eyes, tucking a strand of her straw blonde hair behind an ear.

"When someone dies, because of what we believe to be a command block, they get kind of consumed. It's like something in us is just different. Xisuma noticed it first. When he died he was fine, then he started losing control of himself. His eyes, they lost their color after a while, and his skin turned deathly cold." Scar shuddered. "It was slow for him, X is strong willed. He still has times where he tries to escape himself. He begs me to help him." Scar looked like he was going to cry.

"So you're saying you can fight the urge?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. And I'm creating a device that will help us fight it and find the command block. See, some are completely gone. Cub and Tango have no memory of their former lives."

"And you?"

Scar clenched his fist suddenly. False backed up and put her hand on her sword. Slowly color started swimming up Scar's body. False gasped as his eyes turned blue again and his hair returned to its original color. "How did you-"

"Did you still feel the warmth in my body?" Scar unclenched his fist. False nodded recalling the strange warmth she felt earlier. "I've been hiding the life underneath me, disguised as the dead. Only feeling the warmth is a giveaway. Don't get me wrong, I still died, but I've found a way to escape the battle."

"Woah," False was not usually short for words.

"I hear Tango," Scar snapped his fingers. "Trust me will you?"

"Haven't I this entire time?"

"Shhh!" Scar grabbed her wrist. A strange tingle started creeping up her nerves. She started losing color.

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