Chapter One

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Seven years later...


"What's wrong with you man? You're acting strange. Ever since we were with those pretty little brunette twins in the last town we stopped in. What was it called again? Anyway I've never seen you turn away willing pussy before man, not that I'm complaining because I had more than enough to satisfy them both and believe me I did but what gives?"

Jasper Cole took his eyes off the road and glared over at his best friend. Donovan 'Smoke' Moore had laid down his life for him so many times since they'd been assigned to the same unit, he'd lost count. He was one of the only people that Jasper would trust at his six. They met about a month into basic training and had been at each other's sides ever since.

Smoke had no family to speak of and as Jasper's own father had passed away over a decade prior they watched out for each other. That's why on their first leave from the marines, Jasper took him back to his hometown of Woodburn, Smoke decided to prospect for a motorcycle club; The Lost Knights. Just like Jasper.

They still wanted to do their bit for the country and enlisted on as many tours as they could but after seven years of service, they had had enough. This last tour had been their final one. It was time; Jasper was ready to go home and claim his girl.

"This is about Ivy isn't it?"

Jasper threw another glare his way. Smoke just didn't get it. He was tired of going out partying and picking up chicks in down and out bars. Or even the club whores when they were back at the compound. He wanted to go home after a hard day's work and walk straight into the arms of his girl. She didn't know it yet or maybe she did but he had claimed her a long, long time ago and now he was returning to make good on his proclamation.

"Look brother, I know you've been keeping tabs on her all these years but how do you know if she's even interested anymore? She could be seeing someone now. You haven't spoken to her in nearly five years."

Jaspers knuckles started turning white with the grip he had on the steering wheel. The anger that was boiling up inside him threatened to make itself known. He wanted to tear Smoke a new one for even suggesting that she had moved on. Sure they were never intimate; she had only just turned eighteen when he had enlisted for his first tour, but she was his. He had told her enough times for her to know that.

"She's not seeing anyone and she'll still be interested." His tone was clipped and made no room for argument. Smoke however was used to his "mood swings" as he liked to call them. Smoke knew he wasn't getting any more conversation on the subject, so they spent the rest of the journey in silence leaving Jasper alone with his thoughts. Obviously, they returned to the same person who he could never get out of his head; Ivy. She was his, always had been and always will be.

When he had left for basic training, he had promised that he'd keep in touch. He had skyped or called her every Sunday night without fail. If he was home on leave, she would be the first person to welcome him home, usually she'd be sitting on the top steps of the clubhouse, waiting, for him. Then she'd gone away to college and Smoke and Jasper had both been recruited for the seals and their conversations went from weekly to monthly, then he'd just call when he could and eventually he stopped calling altogether. Smoke was right; Jasper hadn't spoken to her in nearly five years but he had kept tabs on her. He'd had reports of her whereabouts and any substantial changes to her life.

Every time he'd been home in the past four or five years she'd been in college. He'd been to see her, a couple of times. One time he saw her in the library working hard for her mid-terms, he didn't want to distract her from her studies so he just watched to make sure she was okay. The only other time he made the effort to see her, she was out partying. She was happy, laughing and dancing with her girlfriends. He knew she'd get upset if she saw him so he didn't approach her that time either, just watched and made sure she got home safe and sound. He wanted her to live her life before he came in and swept her away to remain by his side as his woman always making some excuse to stay in the shadows like the phantom he had become.

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