Chapter Eighteen

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Hermes had already started making his way back to the clubhouse presumably to start searching Ivy's phone for any clues as to where she was. Smoke stood only four foot away from Jasper alert and waiting for his next move.

Jasper ran his hands over his head in frustration, whilst he began pacing the short distance between the clubhouse fence and the tall derelict red brick building that made up the other side of the alley way. He tried to call on every bit of training the military had put him through to calm the fuck down and look at this situation like he would a mission overseas. It didn't work. He couldn't think straight because his chest tightened enough that he was struggling to draw in even staggered breaths.

He was used to being confident and surefooted at pretty much anything work or club related and that confidence usually overflowed into the other aspects of his life. He wasn't used to this feeling of unease currently tearing him up inside. For the first time in his life he looked at his best friend for the answers, silently pleading with him to help take away the hopeless feeling he wasn't used to.

"I can't lose her brother. I've only just got her back."

"You won't, I promise. Just let us work it out together as a club. Don't go off by yourself and do anything rash."

Back at the clubhouse Hermes had already set up base in the room where they exclusively held church. The wooden oak table was littered with electronics; wires connected his laptop to the other devices. Jasper wouldn't know where to begin to use any of the equipment to find Ivy however Hermes looked completely at home in his current surroundings.

Hermes glanced their way as they entered the room; he was typing away so Jasper didn't interrupt him just yet. Axel was watching something intently on a different screen and didn't acknowledge their presence so Jasper guessed it was the compounds security footage. Spike, Reaper and Raptor were huddled in the corner over a map of the area circling various locations. Various brothers were flittering in and out of the room.

Smoke remained in the doorway like a sentinel while Jasper paced the length of the room. He needed the time to clear his head before he could be any use to his president and sergeant at arms to plan a search and rescue mission. Eventually he lent over the map focusing on the locations they'd already circled committing them the memory.

"What do we know?"

Spike took in every inch of him clearly judging by his body language whether to allow his involvement or not. Jasper respected the man stood before him not only as his president but also as the father of the woman he loved. His word was law within the club and Jasper would never even think to go against it. However if Spike thought for one second that Jasper would quietly retreat to the side lines on this then he had another thing coming. He met Spike's assessing gaze head on portraying exactly what he thought of being pushed aside without actually speaking them and subsequently disrespecting his president.

Being the ferocious president of the Lost Knights, Spike would always have to have the last word. "You fuck this up because you can't keep a lid on your emotions and the Vicious Disciples will be the last of your worries. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

Jasper nodded once in Ivy's fathers' direction. He had no intention of interfering with the rescue plans or going rouge to get her back by himself; he was man enough to admit he couldn't tackle this without unforeseen casualties. Ivy could be that casualty and he wasn't prepared to take that risk with her life. He needed his brothers' help with this in order to get his woman back safe in his arms.

"Good. Reaper, bring Phantom up to speed while I check-in with your mother."

Spike swiftly left the room but Jasper knew it wouldn't be long before he returned with his game face on, ready to take on the world to find his daughter. Reapers voice broke him out of his own thoughts.

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