Chapter 2: Deciding

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Pitch's POV

I walked around my underground lair coming to a stop in front of one of my Night Mares stroking it's neck. I closed my eyes directing my center of attention towards Jack's thoughts. I listened to them before he fell asleep. I could tell he was very torn between the two options. He soon decided to sleep and I let him. I didn't disturb him while he was sleeping peacefully. I wanted him to fully choose. Even though I already knew what the answer would be, and that it would come by morning. All I had to do was wait and listen to the reply.


Jack's POV

"Yes" The words formed in my mind. I had paced for hours before falling asleep last night, pondering what I should do. I waited and the dark haunting voice came back in my head. "Wonderful. Come back to the same spot tomorrow and I'll tell you what you need to do."


Yes this chapter is shorter, I will have more soon

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