Chapter 10: Re-Living a Nightmare

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I walked to my throne and sat down.

The winter spirit was right behind me looking straight forward.

"Stand here," I pointed to a spot next to my throne. He didn't hesitate, moving straight to the spot and faced forward.

My mind started to wander elsewhere.

My eyes feeling heavy.

Slowly I closed my glowing yellow eyes.


I stood by the prison door waiting.

The faint whispering of the Fearlings could be heard from behind the door.

I had heard the same thing for years, been at the same post for years, to keep the demons behind bars.

"One breath of fresh air. Please." They hiss, "One small breeze."

It still sent chills down my spine. The only thing keeping me going was my locket. I hold it looking at the picture of my daughter, a tender smile on my face.

The shadows inhuman voices continued to beg for air.

I close the locket, I couldn't take it anymore.

I rub my temple with two fingers. It's just too much.

The hissing stops but quickly continues, but this time the voices are different. It's no longer many voices, but now it's just one. It's the voice of my daughter.

"Daddy, help me!"

Terror seizes me.

"Daddy help I'm scared!"

I had to open the door! I had to save her. What if it's not her, my thoughts say. But what if it is?

I grab the keys; I fumble for the right one, it's been so long that I have a hard time remembering which one it is.

I stick in the key.

Immediately the hissing stopped.

I should stop, I think to myself.

But I have to get my daughter out of there.

I turn the key and open the doorway the smallest of cracks just so I can reach in to grab my daughter.

The tiny crack was all it took. Shadows poured out of the doorway. I drop the keys. I'm frozen in place.

Quickly I get a hold of my senses and I begin run up the stairs, taking them three at a time, the shadows following closely behind me. I feel hope as the exit at the top comes into view. I'm almost there.

I stumble on the last step; all hope gone horror in its place as I flip around.

I see the shadows, taunting me hovering above my head, waiting for the right moment, when my fear is greatest.

The shadows strike at me, engulfing me.

It feels as if hot knifes are being thrust into me. I scream, me the Golden Age's greatest hero, screaming? I suppress the next scream only for it to be wrenched from me in the throbbing seconds to follow.

The pain is agonizing.

I can feel my thoughts becoming dark, as if they were no longer my own. I sense my soul being crushed; I writhe on the floor, another jab from the unseen blade.

Was I going mad?

I scream again, my vision going blurry.

I can feel it. The end is coming.

I try to reach some happy thought, something to bring light to this moment of darkness.

The last of my own thoughts turn towards my daughter, a tear slowly streams down my face. I reach for the locket that holds her picture around my neck wanting to see her face one last time.

But one last prod from the invisible dagger twists its way inside of me, into my very core.

A scream is pried from me and all goes to shadows.


Pitch still sat on his throne.

A small tear trickled down Pitch's face while his head was bowed, it glimmered on his face.

For one brief moment you could see sadness inside the monster.

Just as quickly the look vanished, a menacing glare in its place. He gripped the sides of his throne, slowly looked up his eyes burning an evil gold.

Standing up he paused.

Pitch turned to the winter spirit.

"I know what I want to do with you now." A malicious gleam in his eye, "Come with me"

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