Chapter 16: Through the Shadows

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I jerk awake.

My head feels funny.

"Ah," I put my hands on my aching head. It feels as if I've been hit by an avalanche. Looking up I feel very self conscious. All of the Guardians are staring directly at me. "What?" I ask defensively.

Sandy is the first to respond; pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him, returning it.

"I'm so glad you're not dead Sandy," I bury my head in his shoulder, I can feel tears coming to my eyes but I hold them back.

Sandy nods his head tilting it to the side while slightly raising his eyebrows as if to say me too.

North jumps in, "We're so glad you're alright Jack. But we have no time to lose. We must move if we want to stand a chance against the Boogeyman."

I nod and try to stand, leaning on my staff only to lose my balance and fall down.

The Guardians jump forward but I shake them off.

"It's OK, I'm fine. Honest."

Sandy looks at North and shakes his head. North steps forward.

"Jack, you're too weak at the moment. Maybe you sit this one out." He puts his hand on my shoulder, his wonder filled eyes now filled with worry.

"No, I want to fight. I need to fight. I can do this!" My voice is pleading.

North seems to be debating with himself, he turns to Bunnymund. "Bunny, what do you think?"

Bunny looks at North as if he's about to say something, lifting his paw like finger but it drops rapidly, and he looks up wide eyed. "I don't think he'll have much choice mate. Look," he points above North's head.

A wall of Nightmares is charging at us.

I'm frozen in place as they begin to gain on us, my eyes wide with fear.

North, Tooth and Bunny jump into action and attack the oncoming Nightmares, Sandy stays with me, looking as if he's ready to hurt anything that comes our way.

A single Nightmare, bigger than the others, finds its way past the fighting Guardians and charges me.

Sandy crouches by me and snatches me by the hood, whipping the Nightmare causing it to explode.

Before I know it gold dreamsand is beginning to surround us as we take off into the sky.

I start to feel a little nauseous as Sandy continues to spin higher into the air. I look around as the spinning stops, Sandy is moving towards a different part of the town.

He's heading towards the area of Burgess where Pitch is.

I see Pitch and call out to Sandy, "Sandy, Sandy! You can let go now. I can fly on my own."

Sandy looks down at me concern floods his face.

I reassure him, "Yeah, I'll be fine."

He slows down to let go of me and I fall a few feet, wobbling about in the wind. I get control quickly and catch up with the now smiling Sandman.

Pitch stands on a roof. He turns around and sees us. A look of surprise quickly turns to one of pure hatred.

We land, Sandy on one roof, me on a neighboring one.

"Jack." He says soothingly, "Looks as though they've gotten you back to normal after all." He turns his attention to Sandman. "I thought I had killed you!" His eyes flash with anger. "I guess I need to finish the job." He shoots nightmare sand at Sandy; I whip my staff around, freezing it in place, glaring at Pitch.

He returns the glare, disappearing in the shadows, where'd he go? I look at Sandy, he's on high alert.

His menacing voice echoes on the rooftops. "It seems to me that you're not the neutral party anymore, Jack."

A Nightmare appears from the shadows, charging me, smashing me into a wall. The breath is knocked out of me.

Pain shoots through my back and I fall on all fours, I gasp, trying to regain my breath.

Sandman rushes to my side, and helps me up.

I cough, "I'm fine Sandy, I'm fine."

Sandy shakes his head, clearly disagreeing.

Pitch's laughter rings through the chilled night sky.

"You've all got it wrong. You think I'm the bad guy? What's so bad about fear?" He motioned to the Nightmares and Shadows around him. His tone of voice had changed from menacing to hurt.

"You don't think I want to be believed in, to get a little attention once in awhile? Each time I must go further in my plans; make them more complex, more-more fear filled, to even get the attention of you and your fellow Guardians, Man in the Moon." The last words spit out with dislike.

I look over at Sandy.

Yeah, sure Pitch was the villain here, but I felt for him. I could be down the path Pitch was on, if Manny hadn't chosen me.


Pitch disappeared and reappeared next to us, slithering past us.

"Do you know what it's like to be cast out?" He directed his attention to the moon. "All I ever wanted was to be their equal! To stop having to hide in the shadows. I never chose to be like this!"

I look at Pitch sadly, sympathizing with him.

Doesn't he deserve pity? He had been a General in the Golden Ages. Not just any General, he was the Golden Ages greatest hero.

He had had a great love for his daughter. The greatest a father can have for their child.

I remember giving her dreams; her life had been so filled with joy from her Father's love, her dreams- I had tried so hard to replicate his love after he had been turned into a monster but it was almost impossible.

"You saw my pain." Pitch continues. "Why-Why did you do nothing to help me," He looks up once again. His voice darkens and he disappears once more.


I throw my voice through the shadows, my voice ricocheting through the shadows. "And then you choose this-this boy, as a Guardian, mocking me!"

I dive out of the shadow glaring at Sandy and Jack from another rooftop, they turn and look at me and I jump back into a new shadow.

"All this pain you've caused me, but no more! Now it's my turn-My turn to cause you pain."

I traveled through the shadow, reaching one that's right behind my target.

Right behind Jack.

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