Chapter 15: Blue and Gold

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 “Friend or Foe,” I ask turning to Bunnymund.

“I’m not sure mate,” the light is mesmerizing “But I’m pretty sure Pitch doesn’t travel on big balls of light.”

 “Do you think it’s a moonbeam sent from MiM?”

 Tooth spoke up, “Maybe, but we’ll have to wait until it reaches us to find out.”

 The light gets closer and closer. It’s no longer a dot far off in the distance, but a smudge.

 A golden one.

 “Sandy? Sandy!” I’m waving my arms from side to side.

 The little golden figure smiles and waves; and he gently lands in front of us.

 I pull the little guy into a hug, tears streaming down my face. “We thought you were dead.”


 My hands are at my side as I am nearly strangled by North, his wet tears falling on me.

 Well, I was dead. How do I explain that to them?

 I am finally released, and can breathe again.

 “How-how are you not dead? We saw you die. How?” North looks in my eyes wiping the rest of the tears from his own, searching for an answer.

 I shrug and smile, what else am I supposed to tell them? I don’t even understand what happened myself.

 North looks confused but shakes it off, smiling.

  Tooth snaps her head up, “Wait, so if we have Sandy- we can help-“

 A shriek startles me.

 “Jack!” Tooth says, flying past me. I turn around and see an unconscious Jack lying on the ground. I feel a pang in my heart.


 I had seen him come for me right before the black sand overtook me. I kneel next to him.

 Tooth looks at me optimistically. “Pitch said our only hope of saving Jack was gone after killing you. And now that you’re back-“

 North puts a hand on my shoulder. “If your dreamsand isn’t enough to take the black sand out and turn Jack back to normal-”

 Bunnymund finishes the sentence, “Well let’s just say we’ll have an extra fearling on our hands and with one less guardians to help deal with it.”

 I reach forward and put one finger on Jack’s forehead. His eyes snap open, an electric blue. “Sandy?” He looks at me, as if he can’t believe his eyes. I smile at him nodding. A cry escapes him and he closes his eyes. He opened them again, his eyes now golden.

 Behind the ominous eyes Jack is on the inside, pleading with me.

 I throw dreamsand over him, binding his arms and legs to the ground. Jack’s eyes are closed, his breathing steady. I let out a sigh of relief. He’s asleep.

 I turn to the other Guardians and form images above my head.

 Tooth grabs both North and Bunny by the ear leading them away.

 “Ow, ow, ow!” Bunnymund whines.

 “Stop complaining! Sandy wants to be alone, so we should leave.”

 I chuckle as their voices fade. I have to try this by myself first, so here we go.

 My hands hover over Jack and I close my eyes. Concentrating.

 I begin to draw the black sand out of Jack.

 Jack’s eyes whip open; he fights against the restraints, panting. I keep my eyes locked on his and I try again. He winces, his eyes flash back to blue for a brief moment before going back to yellow. I try to work faster.

 Jack cries out.

 “Is he going to be ok?”

 Tooth, North and Bunnymund are behind me. It breaks my concentration.

 Jack breaks one of the restraints on his hands. Bunnymund and North rush over holding him down.

 He squirms, trying to break free letting out another painful shout.

 I work my sand through him as Bunnymund and North hold him down. Tooth standing with her back turned to us, not able to watch.

 Jack struggles, screaming as my sand gets to his heart, looking frantically around with his burning gold eyes. I look and my hands; poised above the winter spirit. They’re blackened at the fingertips, and the black is spreading.

 North and Bunnymund look at me with worried expressions. It’s now up to my shoulders.

 It’s spreading quickly.

 Darkness plagues my thoughts.


 I’m Jack’s only hope, I can’t fail him.

 I believe. I believe. I believe!

 The darkness fades away replaced by my golden glow. Smiling I turn my attention back to Jack.

 With a final tug, I get the remaining black sand out of Jack, he lies there limply.

 His eyes flashed open once more, brilliant blue.


*had to include the little 'I believe' part somewhere ;)*

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