Chapter 5: Beginning of a Nightmare

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I could feel my already pale face, losing color. I looked at my hands, "I could-I could n-never do what you said." I couldn't believe what was happening to me.

"Not knowingly" Pitch's voice had malice in it with a tinge of victory. He started to circle me like the easy prey I was to him, picking up my staff as he walked by.

I grimaced, hating the reality of him in possession of my staff.

"It won't be long now until you are mine to command, and you'll just be stuck in your body, forced to watch what I'm making you do, with no way to do anything about it"

Almost like it was on cue, a sharp pain hit my chest making me cry out and fall to my knees. It felt like someone was jabbing knives into me. I tried standing just to fall back down by another invisible blow. My vision was fading.

"The Guardians-they'll find me. We will beat you."

Pitch laughed at my remark. I'm struggling to keep consciousness and I know that I'm fading fast.

"I won't give up, I will beat you Pitch." My voice was barely above a whisper; I was straining to get the words out.

I was losing control of my body.

The worst of the blows twisted inside of me, making me scream. It felt as if my body was being speared as I fell flat on the floor. My vision faded out on an image of Pitch smiling evilly at my helpless form.

I was a prisoner in my own body.

Then the real nightmare began.


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