Chapter 4: You Can't Kill Fear

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I put my hand to my head. I'm no longer trapped against the wall. Was that a dream?

"No Jack, it was very real." I move my hands over my ears shaking my head, trying to get the voice out.

"Shaking your head won't do anything. I'm still here, no, that won't work either."

I quit banging my head on the cold floor.

"Celebrate today" This time it wasn't in my head. I turned seeing Pitch watching me, holding my staff. I jump for it and he disappears and reappears in another section of what now realize to be a circular room.

He looks at the staff with a triumphant smile on his face.

"For today is the day you join, The Nightmare King!"


Jack looks at me funny, and laughs while saying, "That sounded so stupid"

Fury burned through me. I must have let my guard down, a window of opportunity for him, because he lunged at me again. I wasn't prepared and he grabbed his staff pointing it at me.

I looked at him, "You can't kill fear Jack"

"I'm not afraid of you"

As he said this one of his eyes flashed gold and I smiled. It had worked.

I had to test it out. "Jack. Put down the staff."

"Why would I do that?" He scoffed. "I'm not putting my-"

His hands set down the magical staff on the ground in front of him. "W-what? What did you do to me!?"

I smiled. "Oh no worries Jack, soon the sand will really seep in. Then you will be under my full control. You, will become one of my Fearlings. But not just any Fearling. The head of all Fearlings, you will be the Prince of Nightmares!"


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