Chapter 8: Terrible News

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From far away the North Pole looked like a secluded miniature city surrounded by the white, almost glowing snow.

  I was there, but not really there. I was traveling by sand. I preferred it that way; it was much easier causing fewer complications and was quick on time.

 The Guardians were in for a surprise. 


I fluttered around high and low. Where could Jack be?

 I looked at my miniature fairies fluttering about to and fro. They were really worried about him, scared they'd never see his perfect teeth or him again.

 A jingle bell sounded through the halls. North must want to talk to all of us, he either found Jack or there was absolutely no sign of him.

 I hoped it was the first one.

 I called for my miniature fairies to come with me and we left the room. 


With remorse I had pressed the bell. The search for Jack had come with no results; not even a tweak of evidence to where he had gone. I had hoped that I wouldn't have to call off the search, but there was no sign of him.

  He was gone.

 I look over at Bunnymund and shake my head. Tooth and Sandy come through the Grand Doors.

 Sandy looked quite miserable, continuing looks of worry on his face.

 I felt their anxiety and I relished it.

 They thought their beloved winter spirit was in trouble. He was, but he would no longer be able to be helped by the likes of them.

 I smirked relishing the vision of their faces once I would leave them with the message of what had befallen Jack.

 The time had come to tell them...


Something's wrong. I feel a presence.

  I know it's not Jack, It’s too dark to be Jack, but someone is there, I can’t place quite who.

  "North are you alright mate?" Suddenly there was a loud crack, I whip my head up.

 The globe has black sand hovering next to the globe.

 "Pitch! Show yourself!" I realize I'm yelling but I don't care, I put one hand on my shashka. "You’re not welcome here, I’ll ask you once. Leave!" The form of pitch laughs, "oh, but I have such important news to share with you" Bunnymund frowned “Oh, pull your lip over your head and swallow!”

 “Is that any way to treat your guest that brings news of your precious Jack.”

 I cut off Bunnymund from saying any more insults. "We’re listening. “

 My voice sounded defeated, making Pitch smile, a malicious gleam in his eyes.

 "Your precious winter spirit came to me, begging to help him be noticed; he wanted to join me, to be on the winning side, so you would show him the attention he so desperately wanted."

 "That’s a lie!" yelled Bunnymund

 "Is it Kangaroo?”

 Bunnymund cringed.

“Stop babbling! What did you do to Jack! Where is he?!”

 Pitch hushed me.

 "Oh, no need to worry he's fine, his mind has been...expanded." Pitch grinned.

 My heart filled with dread.

 Jack was a fearling, he had to be. That was the only explanation.

 I couldn't hold in my anger any longer.

 I clutched my swords lunging at Pitch's sand image, yelling as I went in for the hurt.

Pitch cackled, swiftly moving away from my attack."Be prepared for the beginning of a new era. It's time for fear to rule the world."

 His image had morphed exploding above the globe engulfing it with the sand.

 The sand then, disappeared leaving us with the heart wrenching news and the leftover sound of Pitch's laughter ringing in our ears.

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