Chapter 7: Worried about Jack

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I watch the winter spirit unconscious on the floor, tossing and turning, his eyes shut tightly, through this glorious transformation. Jack Frost, the spirit of mischief and chaos, was soon to be under my control.

Just to be safe I use my black sand to create a miniature prison cell around the boy. He wouldn't be going anywhere yet, anyways.

I grip the small wooden staff in my hand; a gift from MiM to Jack as soon as he brought him back.

I smirk; he won't need this anymore. I begin to bend it but it won't break. I apply more pressure.

I look up with disgust, "you think this is funny MiM! Well I'm not laughing."

I slam the staff on the ground and sprinkle some of my sand on it, it disappears, transported somewhere else.

I somehow remember about the insignificant Guardians.

"Oh the poor dears; they don't know what has befallen to their little friend Jack Frost. It'd be a pity not to let them in on what has happened." I laugh summoning one of my Night Mares.

"I think it's time we pay dear old Santa Claus a visit," My glowing eyes burning with distaste.

Something's not right. I have to find North, Tooth even Bunnymund! The sharp pain in my head is back and I float into stand that's holding cookies and they fall to the floor with a clatter. I wince. Perfectly good cookies, gone to waste, then I think about it. The elves probably licked them all anyways.

North comes bursting through the door. "Sandy? Are you all right Sandy?"

I nod, but then shake my head.

North looks at me with concern. "What is it, are you worried about something, someone?"

I nod vigorously.

"Who or what?"

How do I show North that I'm worried about Jack with my dreamsand? After all North's not the best at guessing games.

Jack's staff!

I throw some of my sand in the air, forming a perfect replica of Jack's magical staff.

"Jack's staff! Wait, w-why would that be in trouble. I don't understand."

I shake my head.

"Oh, Jack, you're worried about Jack?"

I nod.

"Why didn't you just say-," he stops, looking at my frustrated glare.

"Why are you worried about Jack? He's with Bunnymund."

Bunnymund hopped into view through the doorway.

"Did someone say my name?"

North let out a sigh of relief, "Yes, Sandy's worried about Jack you see, and well, that's just impossible. He's with you isn't he? You told me you were going to go on a bonding walk together to settle your differences."

Bunnymund fumbled with his fingers.

"Well you see I-I um- Well here's the thing. I only said that to make you happy." Pushing the last sentence out of his mouth.

"WHAT!?" North yelled, "You mean you LIED!?"

Bunnymund cringed.

"Where is Jack?"

Tooth now hovered in the doorway interested to see what the yelling was about. "I just checked Jack's room. He's not there."

"Well!" North bellowed, "Search the workshop! Search the whole North Pole if you have to, if Sandy's gut is correct Jack is in trouble!"

Bunnymund felt horrible.

North had proceeded to yell at him as they searched for Jack around the workshop gesturing angrily with his hands as he walked in front of Bunnymund.

Jack was basically like a son to North. He'd be devastated if anything happened to him.

"I'm truly sorry North. I just wanted some time AWAY from Jack. I didn't want to spend time with him."

North continued to trudge ahead of Bunnymund. Now he was silent.

He stopped and turned to Bunnymund. "It's alright. I'm sure Jack's fine!" He was putting reassurance into his voice to calm himself down. "We're most likely just overreacting. He's probably flying around with his staff freezing my elves."

Let's just hope he is, Bunnymund thought.

One of the Yetis, the one Jack called Phil, walked by.

North stopped him. All I heard was gibberish.

"Have you seen Jack?" I asked.

The Yeti replied saying: That annoying spirit that flies around causing all kinds of chaos? I haven't seen him since yesterday. Thank goodness.

Dread filled my heart. Bunnymund looked so confused.

The Yeti harrumphed as if satisfied and walked away.

North told me exactly how the conversation went.

My heart plummeted and guilt started to take root inside of me.


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