Chapter 13: 'Let Him Go...'

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I can barely see the Guardians. My vision is blurred, as if I have been drugged. I look at North; his face is filled with concern.

Looking over at Bunnymund I'm surprised. Bunny looked as if he's about to explode into a furry ball of rage. Maybe I'm imagining all of this; my brain is too jumbled to make sense of anything.

I must have my eyes closed because I can't see anything anymore. I fight to keep my eyes open. I must look drunk.

I can tell I don't have full control over my body, maybe it's just from being half-conscious, but I can't move.

Something with a rough texture moves on my neck. I can't breathe.

I weakly put my hands to my neck, trying to pry off what I think is sand.

Not only am I now trying to keep my eyes open, which I am failing at miserably, but I'm fighting to get air into my lungs.

Pitch's laughter rings through my head.


Jack's hands are at his throat, weakly trying to pry off the sand.

"Please Pitch, just let the boy go." Tooth sounded desperate, like a mother trying to save her child.

Pitch still held the hood of Jack's hoodie; Jack must have decided to give up with the sand around his neck, for he now hung there limply. "Now why would I do that?" Pitch questions.

"How about so we don't rip you to shreds!" Bunnymund retorts, gripping his boomerang, prepared to throw it.

Pitch's head turns quickly in Bunnymund's direction and snarls. "Oh, go suck an egg."

"You stay out of this one Bunny." I say turning to Bunnymund. He calms down, lowering his boomerang but only ever so slightly.

"Wise decision North, wouldn't want the Kangaroo to mess anything up." He glared at Bunnymund.

"Pitch, don't kill Jack, he's done nothing, just let him go." I motion to the rest of us. "Take one of us in his place."

"Nothing you say?" Pitch looked amused. "He's a threat to me now and unfortunately for you the only other Guardian that I wanted out of my way was the Sandman, and I've already taken care of him. You have nothing left to bargain with." He cackled.

I wince from the mention of Sandy. "You've taken so much from us already, just give us Jack."

"You call losing one Guardian and one half-Guardian, so much?" Something had been triggered inside of Pitch, he looks full of rage, and he seems, almost human.

"You don't know anything about losing anything!" He erupts. "Everything I loved was taken from me," He held the once again, unconscious winter spirit, over the black empty space below. "The same should be done to all of you!" An unpleasant look was on his face "I think I'll find pleasure in killing him," He looked at Jack.

I was frantic and found myself shouting. "I will not let you use Jack as a recompense for your daughter!"

Pitch's revealed a look of hurt, an opening, but it vanished, a menacing glare in its place.

But Bunnymund had seen the opening; and had already released his boomerang from his firm grip.

Pitch is taken by surprise, and ducks, the boomerang flies over his head as he lets go of the lifeless Jack.

Jack is falling, his staff in hand. I'm watching in horror as he spirals out of control, falling faster and faster. I look for Tooth but she's already flying after him. He has stopped spinning.

Tooth flies quickly underneath him, catching him just in time. With Jack drooped over her, she flies back up to the sleigh and sets him down gently onto one of the seats.

Pitch look of fury is replaced by absolute revulsion.

"He's still under my control." Pitch spits. "Just try and get him back to his mischievous self," he smirks. "It will be impossible; impossible for all of you without your precious 'sand' man."

He cackles, falling through the platform onto his Nightmare Onyx before we can attack, retreating to the streets below.

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