Chapter 12: A Fallen Hero

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I stood on the platform overlooking the fight scene that had developed below me.

I couldn't do anything to help the Guardians but on the inside I was cheering for them, rooting them on!

Pitch had told me to stay here until the time came, all I could do was obey his wishes and, well, stay here. I had wanted to throw up when I had called him master.

Bunnymund was fighting the Nightmares on the ground, throwing his boomerangs at them.

Tooth was on the rooftops, fighting off the Nightmares with her wings.

North was slashing at the Nightmares, belting out laughs.

I look over towards Sandy. He's fighting off the Nightmares with his whips, clearly he's taking on more than the rest of the Guardians.

My eyes drift to the side of Sandy, Pitch.

He's rising above Sandy.

A bow and arrow appear in his hand, and he pulls it back his eyes set on Sandy.

I have to warn him, my body won't budge.

Do something! Sandy's life is in danger!

I scream.

"No!" It came from me, I'm in control, but I don't know for how long.

I rush towards Sandy.

Pitch releases the arrow, it whizzes by and strikes Sandy in his back shoulder and explodes.

The small figure crumples, the golden sand turning black.

"NOO!" Rage boils inside of me. I'm clutching my staff so tightly I can't feel my fingers. Frost bursts from my staff and hits the remaining nightmares, causing them to turn to harmless snowflakes.

That's the last thing I see before I pass out.

I hear a shout emanating from above us, the voice belongs to Jack.

I quickly direct the reindeer towards Jack. Tooth and Bunnymund hop on as I pass.

Bunnymund asks what I'm thinking. "Where's Sandy mate?"

I glance up only to see Pitch releasing an arrow having it strike Sandy in the back, and Jack moving quickly towards him.

Another yell comes from Jack and he releases some type of frost cloud from his staff, hitting dozens of Nightmares. "Wait to go mate," Bunny cheers pumping his boomerang in the air, Bunnymund looks at us and shrugs. "What?"

Our half-victory is short lived; Jack is falling, losing control. Fast.

I glance at Pitch and he meets my gaze.

"We need to get Jack! Now!" I say bellowing.

We're about to reach him when a Nightmare rushes under Jack, catching him. The winter spirit drooped over the back of the Nightmare. It delivers him to Pitch, who has hovered over to meet us on his black platform, laying him at Pitch's feet.

"This is where he belongs; along with the rest of you." Pitch says, acknowledging the unconscious Jack with a kick.

Jack's hair was now frosted, instead of all black; the roots were white, making just the tips black.

"He may not be fully under my control at the moment" Pitch tells us, "But he's also unconscious, completely unaware of what's about to happen." With a small amount of effort he lifts up Jack by the hood. Black sand begins to drip onto Jack attaching itself around his neck.

Bunnymund, Tooth and I start to spring forward.

"Any closer and the winter spirit will be no more" I motioned to the remaining guardians and we take a step back. "Good." Pitch cooed.

Bunnymund yells at him "Let him go you monster!"

"Ah, so the Kangaroo does care about Jack." He scans us, resting his eyes on me. "North, how does it feel to have lost?"

"You've done enough to the boy." My thoughts turn to Sandy. "Let him go."

Bunnymund has another outburst stepping forward. "I ought to-"

It's cut short when Pitch flexes his fingers, the black sand around Jack's neck tightened. Bunnymund takes a step backwards. A gasp escaped Jack, his eyes, fluttering.


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