Chapter 14: Will He Ever Be the Same?

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Tooth's Pov

We were on the rooftops.

I rest my hand on Jack's cheek.

"We need somewhere we can get him back to normal." I look at Jack, concern in my eyes.

"You heard Pitch, he said we can't do anything." Bunny replies.

"I don't care what Pitch said! I'm not going to just sit around here and wait!" I'm surprised at my own outburst, and my hands cover my mouth, "I'm sorry Bunny, I didn't mean to yell."

He hops over the side of the sleigh, to me putting his arms around me. "It's OK Tooth; I know your worried about Jack, we all are."

"I know, I just-I-"Tears fill my eyes. Losing Sandy had been enough, now we faced the possibility of losing Jack too. Bunny seems to understand what I'm trying to say. Giving me a squeeze he lets go, and gets off the sleigh and stands behind North as he tends to the skittish reindeer.

I turn my attention back to Jack. His breathing is heavy, his chest rising and falling irregularly.

His eyes pop open, his body jerking forward so he was sitting up straight; he looks worriedly around, his eyes meeting mine, a one word question comes out of his mouth. "Jamie?"

I force him to lie back down, "Jamie's safe. You don't need to worry about him." His eyes start to droop, nodding he closes them all the way.

I fly to North and Bunny. I tell them what's just happened.

"What are we supposed to do? Is he going to be stuck in this coma like state forever?" I say motioning towards Jack. "We have to find a way to fix this mistake."

A bloodcurdling scream pierces through the cold night air.

I whip my head around. Jack


I shove my paw like hands into my oversensitive ears.

"Ah, Mate, make him stop!"

North rushes over to Jack, shaking him.

"Jack, Jack, you need to wake-"Jack bolted upright, causing North to take a step back. Something was wrong.

His eyes.

Jack's eyes were glowing; an evil yellow replaced the blue that had been there only moments ago. His lips curled into a malicious smile. It was disturbing.

He clutches his staff and swings.


I fall backwards, out of my sleigh; I stand up and straighten my jacket. "Jack, control self! We're here to help."

Jack ignores me and nimbly jumps off of the sleigh. He holds his staff up and points it at Bunnymund, a dark frost shoots from it but Bunnymund dodges it jumping into the air. Jack quickly loses interest and turns towards Tooth. As he's about to strike, Bunny lands on the winter spirit and hits him in the back of the head with his boomerang. Jack's form collapses. "Can't tell you how long I've been waiting to do that." A smug look of satisfactory on his face.

"Bunny!" Tooth exclaims.

Bunnymund looks over at Tooth and shrugs, a slight smile on his face. "What? It had to be done."

Tooth looks at me as if she wants me to tell him otherwise. "Sadly, Bunny is right. This time."

"When have I ever been wrong?" Bunnymund questions.

I put up my finger, and then set it back down. "Um- Don't make me answer that."

Bunnymund looks offended, "Hey!"

"Boys!" Tooth yells at us. She was flying over the unconscious Jack, " We've got to do something." She snaps her head over in Bunny's direction. "And you! Stop enjoying this so much."

Bunnymund chuckles, "Who said I was enjoying this?" Tooth sends daggers at Bunny. "OK OK! I surrender." He puts his hands up in defeat.

She looks near tears again.

Bunnymund's expression softened. "I really am sorry Tooth."

We started to walk towards her but she waves us off, "I, I just need a minute." She flew to the side of the building, disappearing from our view.

I whimper escapes from Jack and he cringes on the ground. I glance at Bunnymund; we kneel next to Jack, careful not to wake him this time as not to have similar results as last time.

"How are we supposed to get him back mate?"

"I don't know Bunnymund, I really don't know."

We sit there in silence, with a few noises of pain coming from Jack.

A shout from the distance breaks the silence.

Bunnymund and I stand up prepared to attack; but there is no need, it's just Tooth, flying. Right at us. Fast.

"What in MiM's name is wrong Tooth?"

She hovers next to us, panting. All she can do is point into the distance.

I squint in the direction of her pointed finger. In the distance is a glowing light.


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