Chapter 9: Useless

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I wouldn't, no couldn't believe what Pitch had just said.

It couldn't be true could it? Jack wouldn't have done that.

A guilty thought creeped its way to the back of my mind.

Was I the one that pushed him away?

I pushed the thought away. I looked at everyone else, no one had said a word since Pitch had left, they all looked so shocked.

What did this mean?

My thoughts drifted to the day Jack was chosen.

I remembered when Manny wanted Jack as a Guardian. I had hoped he wouldn't pick the Groundhog.

When he said Jack, I was so upset I would have preferred MiM to have picked the Groundhog.

My anger turned to MiM. Tooth said what I had just thought.

"How could he have let this happen?" Tooth said, obviously referencing to the Man in the Moon.

She burst into tears.

Hopping over to Tooth I wrapped my arms around her; she proceeded to cry into my fur.

"How could we have let this happen?" She had now turned to question towards us. "Jack doesn't deserve this; he's stuck like that, as a fearling! Manny chose him to be a Guardian, how is hesupposed to be a guardian, if he's one of Pitch's fearling," she sniffled. "It's not right!"

North finally spoke up, "Well… we can't do anything about it now. Maybe if we defeat Pitch Jack's newfound curse will be lifted." His eyes twinkled with determination.

This seemed to lift everyone's spirits. I see Sandy lifting his sad grief stricken head.

I spoke up.

"Let's do it. Let's go defeat Pitch!" I smiled.

We had to save Jack!

I tried screaming.

Nothing worked. I was stuck in my body while I just stood there. I could see my surrounding but I was unable to do anything about it.

I was in a cell.

Two cells really. My body and the one Pitch had decided to make for me out of his special black sand.

I don't know why he did.

I wasn't going anywhere.

I heard a thud of an opening door but my body didn't move; it didn't even flinch.

"So, winter spirit, I just got back from seeing your so called friends, and yes Jack I'm talking to you, the one on the inside, not the frame of you."

This caught my attention, Pitch had seen the Guardians, what for, I felt so restricted not being able to use my voice and throw insults at him.

"I told them what has happened to you. That you came to me; pleading to join me, they didn't even care. Not even a sideways glance. I told you. They don't care about you."

I could see Pitch now, coming into view at the front of my cage.

Was that true? Did the Guardians really not care?

My head would have been drooping if I could've controlled it.

He walked to the bars of the cell, touching it, making it crumble around me. I still didn't move.

"I still don't know what to do with you, just an insignificant part of the picture as always. No need to worry though. I'll find out something for you soon enough."

He started walking to another room laughing to himself as I stood there. "Come." He called to me like I was his new pet.

I followed him trying to pull myself back.

I was useless.

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