SeongGi (Seonghwa x Mingi)

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Mingi really liked this certain person who would come at the cafe he's been working. The said person would come every morning at 4 am where there are still no costumers around. Mingi would always look at this person who sat near the big window, looking at the scenery outside. His co-worker would notice him staring and ask him why he liked a man. Yes, Mingi liked a man. The person he liked is a man.

Mingi didn't even know when he became gay, he just got attracted to the other when he first came to the cafe. Mingi even remembers what happened that day, it made him embarrass just thinking about it.

It was 4 in the morning, they just settled the cafe and are waiting for costumers to come in. It was still early so people wouldn't be here by then. But the door opened and the bell ringed signaling that someone came. A costumer!

Mingi quickly put on his apron and went to the counter. He greeted the man while his big gummy smile but was shocked when he saw how handsome the other is.

"Can I have an americano please." His voice was tempting and Mingi got himself lost in his voice. He was only back to earth when the man called him several times already.

"I'm sorry. What was it?" He asked with a shy chuckle. Rubbing the back of his neck due to embarrassment.

"Its okay. One americano please."

"That would be $8.2" The man shuffled in his bag until he find his wallet and paid for the drink. He went to sit on a table, next to the big window so he could look at what is happening outside.

Mingi would steal glances at the man while making his drink. He was really attractive, but Mingi couldn't find the courage to talk to him. But that was only then...

Back to the present, Mingi found the courage to make a move on the other. He slid a piece of paper with a note on the man's mug and waited for the other's reaction.

*Hi! I'm Mingi. I have been wanting to talk to you, but can I know you're name first?* the note says.

He saw him read the note, and he swear he saw a little smile formed on the other's lips. He stared at the other while he drink his coffee and went off. Mingj quickly went towards the table the other recently sat. He looked for the paper and saw the other left a note too.

*Hi Mingi! My name's Seonghwa, and I'd love to talk to you soon :)* 

Mingi couldn't even describe what he felt that day.


The next day, Mingi went up and sat in front of Seonghwa. The other didn't looked shocked when Mingi suddenly sat, he looked like he expected Mingi to.

"So... Seonghwa?" He didn't know what to say and just smiled there like an idiot which Seonghwa find cute.

"You have something to tell me?" Seonghwa asked and Mingi was once again under Seonghwa's spell. His voice really did made Mingi turn into a statue.

"Uhhmmm... Yeah...." He was awkward when talking. He was also quite nervous to talk to him.

'What if I mess up?'

"Uhmm... I wanted to tell you something... I hope its not too early." He added and he received a nod from the other.

"U-uh... I-... I really like you Seonghwa.... Since the day you came here." Mingi said. Seonghwa didn't look surprise or angry. He just stared at Mingi with a smile on his face.

"Your friend told me." He said which made Mingi confused. Seonghwa pointed behind the counter, Mingi turned around and saw his co-worker giving him a thumbs up. He chuckled shyly as he looked again at Seonghwa who seems to be giggling.

"Don't need to be shy." His smile made Mingi's heart to melt. How could someone look so beautiful like this?

"And don't worry... The feeling's mutual." He said and Mingi's eyes widened.

"Really?!" Mingi was shocked. He didn't expect for the other to like him back.

"Really??" He repeated again like he couldn't believe what Seonghwa just said. Seonghwa laughed at Mingi's cute behavior.

"Are you going to keep asking that or are you going to ask me in a date?" He asked playfully, still with a smile on his face.

Mingi straightened his posture and asked Seonghwa to go on a date with him.

"Seonghwa, would you go on a date with me?"

"Yes, of course."

Mingi couldn't describe what he felt that day.

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