San x Ateez

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Another one.

Requested by: Itsokay2008

It was the last stage performance for their song 'Answer' and everyone was pretty much excited about it although the pressure was still there. It was their last stage performance, so they got to make it lit. The members were thinking of ways to make it awesome and unforgettable.

However, San isn't feeling okay. He is unwell and yet he didn't tell anyone because he was scared that the stage performance would be cancelled or worse, his teammates will be performing without him. He wanted the fans to see him perform his best even during his rock bottom, so he must do his best. 

In a few minutes, they'll be performing, and his body is gradually starting to shiver. He could sense his temperature increase as time passes, his body feels very hot, and his cheeks are flustered . He's exhaling hot puffs of air from his mouth, as his lungs are getting too tight and he can't breathe properly. His member, Seonghwa, noticed him shivering and asked him what was wrong, but he just shrugged it off by saying that it was nothing. The other didn't believe him though.

The loud cheer of the fans was heard from the backstage, making the members amazed. San smiled, just thinking of the fan's support made him forget about what he was feeling earlier. He thought about the brighter side, and forced himself to do perfect, so when the show started, he tried to perform well, but sadly, failed to do so...

At the middle part of the performance, San feels dizzy and his vision is blurry. He felt like the world was moving. His head was hurting like crazy, he was too absorbed in the pain that he haven't realize he was falling. Until his head hit the solid, hard floor. He could hear the other's gasps and the fan's worried screams. He heard the music was still playing but it was muffled. He heard people calling his name. He saw seven men hovering over him, but their faces are blurry. Until all he saw was black, and his mind drifted off to somewhere else.


San woke up and found himself in a white room, with a large window where you could see the beautiful outside view of the city. He noticed that his left hand was attached to some machine. He guessed he was at a hospital, but he didn't know why he was there. Did something happen? He didn't remember what happened. He only knew that he was performing their last stage performance for 'Answer', and he was sick that time. He knew he get to perform on stage, but he didn't quite remember how it ended. Could it be?...

Suddenly the door bursts open, revealing the seven other members of ateez. Their worried faces brightened when they saw San laying there on the bed, conscious.

"San!" Wooyoung cheerfully greeted. San was smiling at him as he sat up on the bed.

"We were worried about you, San." Hongjoong said and patted the other's shoulder.

"I'm glad to be fine." He answered with a smile, but then notice that Seonghwa was looking at him with guilty eyes. He wonders why.

"Seonghwa-hyung, what's with that face?" He asked and everyone looked up upon Seonghwa. They haven't notice he was wearing that kind of face.

"I'm sorry, San." He started off, which confused San. Why would he be sorry?

"I notice that you weren't fine before the performance and didn't do anything about it. I'm sorry. You wouldn't be here if I told our manager." He explains and San could only give him a soft smile.

"It wasn't your fault, hyung. I should have told it sooner, if I did then, we could have avoid this." The others nodded in agreement. Of course, they didn't blame San. They knew that he just didn't want to worry the others and if he told their manager, he could possibly cancel their performance. They knew San didn't want that to happen. It was the last performance after all.

"It's okay, San. We don't blame you." San was smiling brightly at them, but then it suddenly falls when he remembered something.

"The performance... What happened to it?" He asked in worry. Did they cancel it? Or did they continued without me?

"Sadly, it was canceled." San's heart ached when he heard those words coming from their leader. Canceled? What about our fans? I'm sure they're disappointed at him.

"But good news is. They're going to give us a chance to reschedule. When you're healed well again, San, we'll perform our last stage on 'Answer', where we could actually do our best." San gleamed in joy at that.

"And also, atinys are worried about you. You should update on twitter to ease their worries." Yeosang suggest and he nodded as response.

"San. If you ever feel unwell again, please do tell us. Don't make us worry more, okay?" Seonghwa said with that motherly voice of his.


They all bid their goodbye after San posted a photo of himself and added a caption that says that he was okay, and he smiled at the number of fans worrying about him and telling him to get well soon. He felt loved then.

San was now currently laying in his bed, alone at 9 o'clock in the evening. He closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep. He needs to regain his energy back, the sooner the better. He still had a performance to do, and he must be well that time so he could give all his best.


They did got to perform their last stage and it was epic. They danced perfectly and amazingly. They were happy as they perform, and knowing that they made their fans smile and blissful it made their hearts warm.

They ended their stage performance with their thank you greeting, and San apologizing to the crowd about the incident before, only to receive a hundreds of 'it's okay' from their fans. San smiled at that, atinys were always understanding and caring. He also gave a speech about how grateful he was to have the other members by his side. For them to take good care of him when he was sick, to comfort him when he was his worst. He called them his family, and will always treasure them in his heart. Until his last breath.


Sorry, if this was kinda short compared to the other one. And sorry for keeping you waiting.

I had to finish our research plan for today since we'll be passing it on Monday already. I hope you understand. Thanks for the support. Love you both! (you and your sister❤)

And also, my friend helped me with writing this and she had something to say to you both😅. She said that San only belong to her😂😂.

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