YunGi (Yunho x Mingi)

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Yunho like a certain boy from his class, his name is Song Mingi, but he couldn't dare to confess. Why? The boy he liked was a total nerd, and a loner. Others would bully him, and it happens to be his friends. He was afraid that his friends would bully him too and that would be the end of his social life.

He watched as his friends walk towards the said boy on the far corner of the room, close to the window, where no one could notice him. One of his friends suddenly grabbed a box of milk from another boy from the other table, and poured it on Mingi's head. The whole class laughed as Mingi just bit his lips, stopping himself from bursting into tears.

"Oh man, you smell like milk." One of his friends said as they continue to laugh at him. Yunho felt the urge to help him but he couldn't find the courage to.

His heart ached when he saw that Mingi forced a smile and a little laugh before grabbing his things and walking out.

"Aww, little nerd got humiliated." One of his friends said again and the whole class burst into laughter again.

Yunho felt guilty, he could have done something, but he didn't do anything.

Mingi didn't return after that, even if the class started already. It made Yunho worried for the younger. He can't stop looking at the door, hoping for Mingi to return. He watched the clock as it tick, wishing for time to run fast so he could find him.

It took like years for class to end for Yunho. He quickly packed his stuff and exit the room. He even ignored the calls from his friends. He didn't care anymore. All he cared right now is Mingi's safety.

He looked around campus hoping to see the younger. He found him at the mini garden behind the building, where students don't usually go. He saw him sitting beside a big tree, hugging his knees so dearly and Yunho could see the other was shaking. He's crying.

Yunho slowly approached him, and sat beside him. Mingi flinched when he felt someone beside him. He looked up and saw that it was Yunho.

"I'm sorry." Yunho started which confused Mingi.

"I should have stopped them. I won't let them do this to you again." He added. A small smile formed on Mingi's face.

"Thank you..." Was his quiet reply.

And that, Yunho became his bodyguard. Yunho didn't care if his friends would back stab him for being with a guy like Mingi. Some of his friends didn't mind, they just didn't talk to Yunho like before, but Yunho didn't care, as long as Mingi is safe.

The bully soon stopped as Yunho would always fight back for Mingi. His friends didn't like to fight with him anymore.

Mingi was deeply thankful for having Yunho by his side.

They would always sat beside each other during lunch. Yunho would walk him home and every morning, Yunho would greet him "good morning". He was really thankful for Yunho.

One day, Yunho didn't came to school. Mingi didn't know what happened to him. But he's still happy since no one bullied him even though Yunho wasn't there to protect him.

After class, he dialed Yunho's number and asked where he is. Apparently, the taller got a fever and is at home, resting. Mingi asked for his address since he wanted to visit his sick friend. He was worried for him.

He knocked at the door that was suppose to be Yunho's apartment number.

He waited patiently until Yunho opened the door. Mingi looked at the sick Yunho, who seems to be lacking in color. He looked very pale.

Yunho let him inside and Mingi settled himself at the couch.

"What did you came here for?" Yunho asked.

"Can't I visit a sick friend?" Yunho laughed but then coughed hard. Mingi patted his back to help him.

"You should be resting. I'll help you." Mingi offered and helped Yunho towards his room and laid him there.

He went to the kitchen and prepared a soup for Yunho. When finished, he went to Yunho's room with a bowl of chicken soup.

He helped Yunho sat up. He watched as Yunho ate his prepared food.

But then Yunho stopped and stared at Mingi for a minute or two.


"Were you always this sweet?" Mingi blushed at the comment.

"You're also looking beautiful today." He added which made Mingi blush even more.

He chuckled when he saw the pink hue on the younger's cheeks.

He held Mingi's hands with his large ones.

They looked at each other in the eyes. No one dared to look away.

"Mingi... I have something to tell you. Something I should have told you before, a long time ago." Mingi nodded and Yunho continued.

"I like, I love you, Song Mingi." He confessed which made Mingi almost cry.

"I love you too, Jung Yunho." Mingi said. Yunho didn't hesitate as he leaned forward and kissed Mingi on the lips. The kiss was slow but passionate, no lust found, just pure love.

Yunho couldn't describe what he felt that day. He became his lover's hero and they kissed just after they confessed. He was really happy that they share the same feeling towards each other.

And most importantly, he was happy that he could call Mingi his.

Mingi was thankful to the gods for giving him someone like Yunho. For giving him a hero, a friend and a lover. He was deeply thankful to Yunho, for giving him the love he deserve.



A yungi chapter to celebrate a new beginning.

I hope our boys would be happy and healthy as a new year starts.

Love you guys😘😘😘

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