YunHwa (Yunho x Seonghwa)

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Seonghwa hid himself on the wall when the basketball player glanced at his direction. His breathing quickened and he carefully took a look back on the player. It doesn't seem that the other found him.

Seonghwa sighed and continued to watch as the other play in the court, alone.

It was currently 4 pm, their class ended two hours ago, and the boy was playing non-stop. Practicing for finals, maybe?

Seonghwa wanted to approach the other and tell him to stop for a while and take a rest. But he couldn't do that. He didn't even know if the other knew he existed. They never talked to each other, except when they met. The first time Seonghwa fell for the other.

~~~~ (flashback) ~~~~

It was raining so hard and Seonghwa didn't even brought an umbrella. The weather forecast said it was going to be sunny. Guess it didn't predict it right.

"Aish! How am I going home then?" He couldn't call his parents to pick him up, they're probably still at work, and he couldn't ask his brother too as he is currently in the library, studying for exams.

Seonghwa was having a debate with himself. If he was going to run in the rain, he could reach the bus at the right time, but his books would be wet. He couldn't let his books to get wet, since he need to study for the upcoming exam, but if he wouldn't dare to then he'll miss the bus. So he tried to cover his books with his extra shirt he brought, and tried to jump in the rain.

Just as he was going to run, someone grabbed him arm and pulled him back.

"You'll be wet if you do." A deep voice said. Seonghwa looked up and saw a tall man, who had a blue hair. He had puppy features and he looks cute when he smiled. Seonghwa didn't recognize the boy, it was the first time he saw the other.

Seonghwa blushed a little as he realized the other was still holding his arm.

"Oh." The other released him when he noticed he was still holding the shorter male.

"You could use my umbrella." He reached out a red umbrella, and Seonghwa slowly took it while still starring at the boy's eyes. The other starring back. They shared a moment, just starring at each other's eyes.

It took almost a minute before they look away, blushing from it.

"But... What about you?" Seonghwa asked the other as he hung his head low. He was embarrassed to look at him.

"Its okay. I live close by so its really okay." Before Seonghwa could even thank the boy, he ran out to the rain, getting himself wet. Seonghwa looked at the running figure's back before it finally disappeared. He didn't get to thank him, and it made Seonghwa sad and guilty. Guilty for taking the man's umbrella, and making him ran in the rain. But Seonghwa still smiled, knowing a very handsome man, saved him and his books.

He then walked happily in the rain, the red umbrella was being used, and his books and things were not wet. He didn't even notice the other boy smiling at his joyful face, even though he was shivering from the cold.


Up until now, Seonghwa hasn't given back the umbrella yet. When he was about to, he chicken out and in the end, he wouldn't get to give it back.

He really did try to talk to him, thank him for the other day, but he was afraid. Afraid, that maybe the other didn't remember him anymore.

He even asked other people who he is. He found out his name was Jung Yunho and was a year younger than him. He was also a basketball player. Apparently, he's the star of their team. He was really that great.

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