HoHong (Yunho x Hongjoong)

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Once upon a time in wonderland... Just kidding...

Hongjoong likes fairy tales. His grandma would always read him stories about a princess finding his prince. She would tell him stories about the prince defeating dragons and saving the princess and they soon be married.

He liked those stories his grandma would tell that up until now, in his college years, he still read fairy tale books. His grandma passed away two years ago, so there's no one to tell him some.

He believed that one day he would find his prince. Yep, he's gay and he is waiting for his prince.

He believed that his prince was just somewhere in the world, waiting for him. But he didn't expect for his prince to come so soon.


It was dark as it was already late. 9:30 pm to be exact.

Hongjoong walked through the dark alley, going towards his home. He didn't knew that the alley he went was placed with bad guys.

"Hey there, little one." A man said in the shadows.

Hongjoong looked nervous as he saw  three tall man. They were built and he could see that they were used to fighting.

"What are you doing here at this time?" One said as he eyed Hongjoong from head to toe. The shorter backed away slowly as the three other stepped forward. Hongjoong stepped backwards until he felt the wall in his back. The three man hovered above him.

"You look pretty, darling." The tallest of the three, at the center, caressed Hongjoong's cheek which made him whimper.

"Hey!" A man shouted. The three looked at the man.

"I'm a police!" He said as he ran towards them showing his badge, but he didn't look like a police in Hongjoong's eyes, he looked younger.  The three men's eyes widened as they hurried to ran away.

The other stopped in front of him as he laughed.

"Works every time." He chuckled and looked at Hongjoong.

The man was tall, really tall and he was also handsome. He had a puppy-like feature in him.

"Are you okay?" The man asked.

'God, even his voice is amazing.' Hongjoong thought. His voice was like honey, so sweet.

"I'm Yunho by the way." The man who said his name was Yunho, introduced.

"Are you my prince charming?" Hongjoong blurted as he starred at the taller. He couldn't stop himself from starring.

Yunho smiled from the shorter's question. It made him realize how cute the other was.

"Well, I could be your prince charming, princess." The reply made Hongjoong blush.

"I'm Hongjoong." He introduced himself.

"That's a beautiful name." Yunho said and made Hongjoong blush even more.


Its been three months since they've first met and Hongjoong couldn't wait anymore to confess.

At the first two weeks, he realized that he had been falling for Yunho. Ever since they've met, Yunho became a prince charming for Hongjoong, always being there whenever the older needed help. He would be there if Hongjoong needed someone to lean on and someone to read him fairy tale stories.

Hongjoong held it in for three months but now he couldn't take it anymore. He was planning to confess to Yunho, hoping the other would feel the same way. Little did he know...


Yunho had been pacing back and forth in the living room. His roommate, Mingi, was watching him confusedly.

"What are you worried about?" Mingi asked and Yunho stopped pacing as he looked at his roommate.

"What if he doesn't like me?" He was about to confess to Hongjoong. Actually, he already knew the younger before the incident at the alley. He isn't a stalker, he just happen to saw him being approached by those scary guys, so he decided to help him.

"Of course he likes you, Yunho. Now, go out there and have a date with your soon to be boyfie." Mingi said as he pushed Yunho out the door.

Yunho sighed and entered his car. He's going to pick Hongjoong up for their little "date", that's what Mingi called it.

Yunho knocked on Hongjoong's door and waited for the other to answer. Once he did, he smiled, seeing the younger all cute in his jumper and yellow shirt that made him look like a minion.

"What are you? A minion?" He asked which made Hongjoong pout.

'Don't pout like that or I might kiss you.' He almost said it out loud, and he couldn't let it. Not yet...


Yunho insisted that they would go to some park first since he had something to say to Hongjoong. Hongjoong didn't mind though, since he was contented whenever Yunho is with him.

On the park, Hongjoong really liked the place. There wasn't so many people and it was refreshing.

"Hongjoong." Yunho started as they walked at some small bridge.

Hongjoong hummed as a reply, he looked through the water and giggled when he saw his reflection.

"Hongjoong." Yunho called again and Hongjoong looked at him. Yunho took Hongjoong's hand in his as he looked at the other in the eyes.

"I wanted to tell you this."

"Actually, I have something to tell you too." Hongjoong cut him off.

"Then let's say it together?" And Hongjoong nodded. They took a deep breath before...

"I like you."

They both said in unison. Both their eyes widened, shocked by the confession.

"You like me too?" Hongjoong asked, desperation in his voice. Yunho nodded.

Suddenly, Hongjoong jumped at him and hugged him tightly, Yunho almost fell.

"I knew it." Hongjoong said which confused Yunho.

"Knew what?"

Hongjoong looked at him and gave him a peck on the lips. Yunho was shocked but soon smiled.

"That you're my prince charming."


A story I made for bwohoo
Take this as a new year gift from me😉😉😉❤❤❤

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