WooSan (Wooyoung x San)

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San looked at the ring in his hands. He couldn't keep the smile off from his face while looking at it. Wooyoung, his lover was suppose to propose to him the other day. But something happened.

He looked at his lover lying lifelessly on the hospital bed, full of wires connected to him and the machine. It was the only thing that keeps him alive.

Some part of San thinks it was his fault that Wooyoung got into an accident. If they didn't fought, San wouldn't have ran away and Wooyoung wouldn't have ran after him. He wouldn't have then hit by a taxi, whose driver was drunk to even pay attention to people crossing.


Wooyoung came home late from a party. San didn't like the idea that he was home late, especially after some  party. He didn't even like Wooyoung to go there.

"Why are you late?" He asked when Wooyoung sat at the couch next to him. Wooyoung snuggled in his arms and San could smell that Wooyoung was reeked of alcohol.

"Its rude to went home early." He said and San scoffed.

"Its also rude to leave your boyfriend behind for almost a day." He said and Wooyoung looked at him.

"You're old enough San to take care of yourself." He replied. San showed how angry he was by pushing Wooyoung away and went upstairs towards their shared room, making sure to bang the door when he closed it.

Wooyoung sighed and went upstairs. He knocked at the door but received no answer, he turned the doorknob, it wasn't locked so he entered inside. He saw San laying on the bed with his back faced to his.

"San... Let's talk about this." He could here the other's soft sobs when he sat on the bed, beside him.

"San, I'm sorry." He was tired and he didn't want to argue anymore. San sat up and looked at Wooyoung.

"I just don't like that you've been partying all day, every day!" He shouted.

"What do you want me to do?! Be bored here all day?!" He's turning mad because he didn't understand why it was a big deal for San.

"So you're saying you're bored of me?!" San scoffed. He didn't like what Wooyoung said.

"I'm not saying like tha-"

"Forget it! I had enough!" San stood up and ran towards the door but Wooyoung quickly grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going?" San didn't answer as he pushed Wooyoung's hand away from him and ran off.

Wooyoung followed him. Followed him outside even though its raining hard outside. He ran after San.


He didn't even realized that a car was speeding off towards him.


Wooyoung laid helplessly on the road. Blood running down from his head. The driver didn't even spare him a glance as he speed off away from him.

San saw the whole thing. He saw his Wooyoung hit by a car and the driver didn't even helped him.

He ran towards him and kneeled beside him. He cupped his face while tears are slowly running down his cheeks. Wooyoung was still conscious but San knew he wouldn't make it if he won't call for help. Wooyoung was close to closing his eyes.

"Wooyoung, stay there. I'll get some help." He said through sobs. He was about to go when Wooyoung tugged on his sleeves. San looked at him as Wooyoung smiled a little before giving him something. An engagement ring.

"I love you Sannie..."

Those were the last things he said before everything turns black.


San managed to find help that day, and Wooyoung was directed to ER.

He was now in a coma and San couldn't express how he felt. He deeply blamed himself for what happened.

Now all he could do is wait for Wooyoung to wake up. Hopefully, to marry him.

"I love you too, Wooyoung."

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