WooSan (Wooyoung x San)

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Requested by: BTSJinHayman

The sound of gunshots were heard around the shop along with the loud wail of the alarm.

Wooyoung didn't know when it started. He just went to shop in some shop and then the firing started. He was scared as hell and didn't know what to do.

He crawled down on and hide himself  on one of the clothing racks while the people were screaming, shouting and running for their lives. But some are truly unlucky, to have been shot and blood spluttered everywhere. Wooyoung closed his eyes then, not wanting to see anymore, and covered his ears to prevent himself from hearing anymore.

He stayed still in his place for like a couple of minutes until the firing stopped and no one was running or screaming anymore.

He opened his eyes and scanned the place if it was clear. Then crawled out of his hiding place. What he first see is a ruined place, shattered glass everywhere, the store's sell where all scattered across the room, and bloody bodies of people he didn't recognize. He felt pity on them, whether they were innocent or not.

He stood up and was about to walk away when he felt a presence in his back. His heart was beating faster than normal and more faster when the man hold him in his neck and a gun was pointed right in his head.

"Don't move or I'll shoot." Wooyoung didn't want that so he stayed put and followed as the man walked forward.

"Where are you?! Show up or another being will loose his precious life." The man shouted as if calling for someone and he was using Wooyoung as bait to get that someone out. It made Wooyoung want to burst in tears. I don't want to die like this.

Just then, a handsome young man approaches them and the man holding him smirked.

"Well, you finally came out."

"Let him go. Or I'll kill you." The man had a soft voice but it was full of venom as he glared at the other.

The man holding Wooyoung chuckled evilly and pointed the gun now towards the young male - which Wooyoung found very attractive.

The only just smirked as he pointed towards the man's back, which confused both Wooyoung and him as they looked back. Everything came in a blink of an eye and the man was down with a hole in his head.

Wooyoung fell down as he looked up towards the dead man and then the killer, a tall man in a black suit, but he couldn't quite se the face as it was covered by a hat and a mask, only his eyes were seen and Wooyoung gulped when the other looked back at him. He's scary.

"Mingi, you can go now." The other one said and the one called Mingi walked away like nothing happened.

"You." Wooyoung's head turned towards the voice, it was the young attractive man. He was crouching beside Wooyoung and he looked like a predator that is about to eat his prey in front of Wooyoung.

"I won't tell." Was what Wooyoung first said out of fear. He just want to go home now and lock himself in his room forever.

"You won't." He said before Wooyoung loose consciousness as the man hit him with something in the head and he fell towards the said man.

After a while, he woke up but his vision was kinda blurry. When his sight was clear, he realized that he wasn't in the shop anymore, but on an abandoned warehouse and he was tied tightly on a chair. It was a dim place and quiet place but he could still hear people's whispers from behind.

"You should've killed him. Or even let that horrible man do the job." Someone said and the voice didn't sound familiar to him but the other who he was speaking to was so familiar.

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