SeongSang (Seonghwa x Yeosang)

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Requested by bigtiddiecommunity
I'm sorry if this sucks😅

Yeosang had been dating Seonghwa for three years already. And on those three whole years, Yeosang never doubt Seonghwa's love for him. But then he noticed that Seonghwa had been coming home late from work and barely spent time with him. He felt like Seonghwa was getting bored of him. Call him paranoid but he was starting to think that Seonghwa might be cheating on him, and only in a matter of time that he'll leave him. Yeosang couldn't bare to lose Seonghwa.

He confronted Seonghwa a hundred times already but the other would just say he was busy doing things. That, he didn't specify. Yeosang got curious on what he was doing but Seonghwa wouldn't tell him, that he gave up on asking. But he still tried to find out, once he followed Seonghwa out, but only to loose him at some alleyway. He thought that maybe Seonghwa knew he was following him.

His heart was getting heavy, his brain felt like being squished just by thinking about it. So he decided to confront his feelings to Seonghwa. He wanted find out about the truth. He wanted to know if his suspicions were true or not. Hopefully not...

One night, he stayed up late so he could talk to Seonghwa. It was nearing 9 pm. Its dark outside, and Yeosang's eyes were getting heavy. He tried to stay awake, wanting to wait a little more for Seonghwa but he couldn't take it anymore. He can already feel the soft layers of the couch, and then sleep take over him.


Yeosang was woken up from his slumber when he heard the door open. He quickly stood up and meet up with a tired looking Seonghwa.

"Where were you?" Is what he greeted. The elder flinched when he heard the voice, as he didn't expect Yeosang to still be awake at this hour.

"Yeosang? What are you doing at this late at night?" He asked instead of answering which annoyed Yeosang.

"I asked first, where were you?" He asked with gritted teeth making Seonghwa nervous a little.

"At work."

"Are you really at work or you're just lying?!" The tone Yeosang was using made Seonghwa's blood to boil. Yeosang was accusing him as a liar.

"Why would you think that I'm lying to you?" He asked calmly but deep inside he was already fuming. He didn't like how Yeosang just accused him like that without any proof.

"I don't know. Maybe you're cheating on me already!"

That line made Seonghwa snap already.

"You know what?! I had enough of you accusing me that way!" He shouted as he pushed Yeosang on the wall and captured his lips. Seonghwa was kissing him roughly. Yeosang hands were above his head as Seonghwa was holding him there, Yeosang being unable to squirm out of his grip. He kissed Yeosang until the other kissed back, they tongues moved in sync as they both tasted each other. Seonghwa pulled away after a while so they both could catch their breathes. They were both breathing hard.

Seonghwa looked at his lover and gently removed his hands from gripping the other's, before caressing Yeosang's soft cheek. His eyes starring directly at his.

"Let me show you how loyal I am to you." Seonghwa said before placing his lips again on Yeosang's soft ones. It was first gentle, and tender until Seonghwa kissed him harder as Yeosang let out a small moan.

Seonghwa took Yeosang to their shared bedroom and laid Yeosang on the soft mattress. He leaned in on the younger's ear.

"I love you, Yeosang. Just you." He whispered in his ear, tickling him, before connecting their lips again. They didn't realize that they were both soon undressing each other, until their night turned into magic.

(Sorry folks. I'm really not good at smut. If you read my other book, well... You'll know how bad it is. But you could still feel free to imagine what happened😉)


Yeosang woke up without someone beside him. Last night was a wonderful night, and since its been long since they've done it, he felt kinda refreshed. But still, he felt lonely, now that Seonghwa was gone again for his "work". And Yeosang still doubt that Seonghwa wasn't cheating on him.

Just because they had sex doesn't mean that Seonghwa didn't really cheat on him. But when he felt Seonghwa's touch, he forgot all his problems, and the reason that they've almost fought. Good thing, it didn't happen though.

Yeosang stood up from his bed and went to shower. As he went out the bathroom, and looked for clothes, he felt like it was a special day, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He shrug it off and went downstairs to make his breakfast.

When he was making his toast and hot choco, his phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket. He fished it out and saw that it was a message from Seonghwa telling him to come to the park nearby at exactly 1 hour after. Yeosang went curious at what could the reason be but he let it go and continued to make his breakfast, or shall I say... Brunch?

After eating, he took his things and exited the place. He was planning on walking to the park. It took him too long, for like 1/4 of the hour, to eat his breakfast/lunch. The princess was kinda lazy. Due to this, he was damn sure he was late for their meeting up but its okay. Better late that never. That was his quote.

Yeosang was greeted with a red rose petals as an aisle towards the center of the park.

Yeosang silently walked towards the aisle and on the end of it, he was greeted with his few closest friends and some of his family members, wearing tuxedos and dresses.

It made Yeosang wonder what they were doing there. Yeosang turned around when someone tapped his shoulder, making him shocked when he saw it was Seonghwa, wearing a white suit, that very much suited him.

But what shocked him the most was when Seonghwa was suddenly on his one knee. He pulled out a velvet box from his pocket and cleared his throat.

"Yeosang... I have never been happy before my entire life, and it's all because of you. I want to spend the rest of my life with the one I loved the most. Kang Yeosang... Will you marry me?" Yeosang teared up with the proposal. He didn't expect this to happen.

"Yes! I'll marry you!" Yeosang jumped with joy and hugged him immediately, making them both fall on the ground with Yeosang on top of him. The younger kept hugging Seonghwa like a koala. He let him go after a few seconds and connected their lips.

The crowd all cheered at them. When they backed away, their love ones all gathered and congratulated the engaged couple.

"Yeosang-ah." Seonghwa suddenly called catching his attention.

"When you said I was cheating... I  wasn't, in fact, the reason why I always came home late was because I was busy planning all of these. Because I wanted this to be the most memorable day of your life." The confession made Yeosang's heart to melt.

He was wrong for doubting Seonghwa in the first place, when all he did was do his best for the both of them.

"You really made this day so memorable." He hugged Seonghwa once again, he poured all his love into it.

Yeosang had learned something, not to doubt someone, because if they truly love you, then they won't do things that would hurt you. And Seonghwa love him to the moon and back. He would never doubt Seonghwa's love ever again.

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