JongSang (Jongho x Yeosang)

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WARNING!!! It may make you cry... Just kidding

Yeosang had been dating Jongho since their last year of high school and they're still a couple until now that they have graduated college. Jongho worked as a photographer at some modeling agency and Yeosang worked at the café he built with his own money. You could see them as a happy couple, but it's only what you see on the outside. You never know that Jongho had been abusing and kept on hitting Yeosang whenever the other did something wrong. Even if it was just a little mistake, he would raise his anger on Yeosang until he beat him up. Yeosang's friends were worried about him, they didn't know it was Jongho's own doings, and Yeosang kept on saying that he tripped or that he fell on the staircase.

He didn't know why Jongho became like that. He was gentle and caring when they were still at school but after a few months after they graduated and moved on to their new apartment together, it was like Jongho changed so much. Just one day, he suddenly become cold and never greeted Yeosang with a kiss like he always do. Yeosang didn't mind at first but then, the beatings came. At the first time, he accidentally broke Jongho's favorite mug. He already apologized to him but he only did received a hard slap on the face from the other. It was the first time he got slapped like that by his lover. It didn't stop though, whenever he done something wrong or made a little mistake, Jongho would beat him up and say that he was useless, worthless even.

Every night, Yeosang cried himself to sleep, but still kept it quiet as to not wake Jongho up, and receive another round of beating. Every night, he prayed Jongho would change back to the way he is. Why does he have to do this?

And then one day, he finally snapped. He couldn't take it anymore.

Jongho went home that day, angry and was throwing things everywhere. Yeosang tried to ask him what's wrong but he only receive a demanding tone of "get out!" from him. He was confused and asked why but only to be slapped hard on the cheek. That's when he felt his patience ran out already. He could feel his blood boiling from anger. He faced Jongho and looked at him dead in the eye.

"What's wrong with you?! What did I ever do to deserve this kind of treatment?! Don't you love me anymore?!!!" He gathered all his strength and screamed at him, but it didn't even make the younger flinch.

"Maybe I don't anymore." That weak reply broke Yeosang's heart into pieces. What is he saying?

"What do you mean by that?" Maybe he heard it wrong, right?

"I don't love you anymore, Yeosang. I want you out of my life. I don't want you near anymore!" Yeosang eyes pooled itself with tears. He let them fall, onto the floor as he curled his hands into a fist.

"Don't say that." Jongho just not said that. He couldn't believe those words left the younger's mouth. He never expected that Jongho would loose his love for him too early.

"Leave, Yeosang." He said and stormed out to their used to be shared room.

Jongho was telling him to leave, should he? He stayed there, standing still while his tears roll down on his cheeks, making his face wet. He didn't know what to do. A part of him wanted to run towards the other and beg for his forgiveness and bring their relationship back to life again, but he knew that wouldn't happen again. All he wanted right now was to know the reason why. Isn't he pretty enough? Why would Jongho decide to end their relationship like this?

With a heavy heart, he left the place. He was crying from the pain, not knowing that it pained the other too.


He ran towards his friend, Seonghwa's house. He asked to stay there for a while which the other accepted. He receive a few questions like: "Why do you want to stay here?", "Where's Jongho?" and such. He didn't get to answer them as he already passed out on the couch due to exhaustion, and Seonghwa just let him.

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