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The sun burned in through the window of the airport as at least one hundred guests waited to board this private jet. Some on their phones , others taking a quick nap to pass the time which was just moving at the speed of a snail. Hallie pushed her large black sunglasses maybe having the girls over last night wasn't the best idea before the wedding. Granted it was only meant to be one gin cocktail but that quickly turned into two and at some point in the night they said screw the glasses and started pouring it into their mouths straight.

"You look like a ray of sunshine." a man muttered taking a seat across from Hallie who barely tipped her sunglasses to the edge of her nose to look at him.

"Fuck you." Hallie remarks as the man chuckles pulling the handle on his wheelie suitcase down so it wasn't almost about to knock him in the face every time he wheeled it out of the way of people.

"Charming. How are you related to the bride and groom ?" The man questions as Hallie rolls her eyes leaning back in her chair as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"That utter slag is my sister and the guy she is marrying is my ex." Hallie states pointing over at her sister.

Her sister Pippa had her arm firmly wrapped round a man's arm as if he was a car who had overstayed its welcome in a parking space. Flashing the garishly large diamond ring on her finger which was going to get a partner in the middle of the week. Of course to match the ring she wore the most stupid outfit to fly in just to be that bitch. Heels that would absolutely murder your feet and someone else's if you stepped on their toes. A maxi dress that wasn't matching Stevie nicks oh no it was a tight tea length plastic leather look dress. An abomination to own and to wear out in public as you sounded like a rubber duck or a dogs chew toy as you walked. He however more casual in a pair of blue denim jeans and a crisp white shirt. Who did they think they are the next David and Victoria beckham more like Instagram's finest.

"So you're the infamous Hallie Booth. Neil was talking about." The man exclaims finally putting two and two together as to who on earth she was.

Hallie chuckled at that wondering what on earth her ex had spilled to this man. During their relationship she never met any of his friends , nor did he meet her's. But the two didn't care they would much rather speak about the people close to them than actually physically speak. Well that clearly went out the window when he started shoving his tongue down her littler sister's throat.

"The one and only. That makes you Joey short for Joseph Radford. Neil's best friend." Hallie remarks as she noticed in the corner of her eye her sister and Neil on the move. This was not a great time to be alive.

"Bingo. I have heard some interesting stories about you." Joey admits and Hallie scoffs hardly surprised.

"And I you. But before we go any further I broke up with Neil. Couldn't give a shite about what else you have heard some of it is probably true some of it fucking bullshit to make him and his small dick seem manly .... Oh hi Pip." Hallie states smiling politely at her sister and Neil as Joey covers his mouth trying to stifle the laugh he had brewing.

Pippa gripped so hard onto Neil's arm the poor guy looked like he was about to pass out. That or get impaled by ten sharp acrylic nails. Her face screw up as she pretended to stay calm.

"Hallie. You are only invited to this wedding because you are family. So can you please start acting like it and take those stupid sunglasses off we are inside. It's rude." Pippa says like an angry teacher telling a the students to stop making wet toilet paper balls and throwing them on the bathroom ceiling.

Pulling her sunglasses to the end of her nose Hallie frowned at her sister. Just to make her blood boil even more than it already was. Their mother watching like a hawk at the pair of them, she clearly was on Pippa's side since Pippa was her favourite of the children. Typical archetypal house wife Pippa made for her mother an easy life as she did and could do no wrong in her eyes.

"If only I wasn't family I would much rather be at home than watch you marry my sloppy seconds." Hallie replies as Pippa's face grew a darker shade of red. Looking like a toddler who was to,d they couldn't swear but had the perfect one brewing in their mind which was going to come up in a big explosion in t-minus thirty seconds.

"Oh shut up ... Take your glasses off and act like a nice sister." Pippa warned as Hallie sighed in annoyance.

"Did you mean indoctrinated robot. But maybe I would do as you say if you made this week filled with alcohol." Hallie tried desperately to bargain.

It was like Pippa was trying to slowly kill her this week. First of all one whole week where Pippa was the centre of attention , enough to make her want to jump off a cliff. Next Pippa makes it a no alcohol , no fun week in some town in the south of France. Mostly because she saw some person on Instagram get married in a beautiful chateau and wanted that life for herself too.

" No you are semi bearable without alcohol consumption you turn into the Tasmanian devil with so I would much prefer you sober and not ruining my wedding." Pippa counter as Hallie smirks at Joey who still was trying his best to stifle his laugh.

"I sense that is a challenge dear Pip." Hallie states as Pippa screams in frustration as Neil pulls hers away from the situation trying to calm her down.

Hallie on the other hand laughed her head off. Maybe this was actually going to be a really fun week. If anything it was going to be one from the scrapbooks for sure.

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