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Hallie was sat chilling by the pool her sunglasses practically superglued to her face. Last nights one small drink again turned into the full bottle which obviously Hallie was not happy about in the morning but the strong hangover was stopping her from having a full break down about it. So , it was a quiet lounge by the pool for Hallie. Rufus earlier was patting her legs with his sticky suncream covered hands and she had the self control of a saint not to shout at him to get him to stop. It was mostly because she didn't have the brain capacity to tell her nephew that she already had suncream on. Granted he was probably wearing factor fifty while she was wearing factor fifteen. 

If it wasn't for her mother flittering about constantly she wouldn't have any on. Even if it meant she might wake up from a nap looking like a lobster it would be the price she had to pay. Hallie just hated the feeling of the stuff , they say it sinks into the skin but that is a load of bullshit. You feel like a freshly basted turkey until you wither jump in the pool or inevitably rub it in with the towel. But it was better than the possibility of getting skin cancer to be honest. A wet hand poked Hallie's forearm as she flinched it was probably Rufus again trying to get her to play with him. Well she thought it was until she felt the tip of a fake nail dig partially into her skin , was this how she was about to die. 

Cracking her left eye open slightly to see who it was she almost choked on her own saliva. Sitting  up she ripped her sunglasses off her face placing them on the sun lounger next to her. Glaring at the woman who had just tapped her. Pippa's best friend Yasmin. Yasmin is the most annoying girl you would ever meet so she was a perfect friend for Pippa. Anything Pippa asked she did without hesitation , so Hallie knew what was coming Yasmin telling her that Pippa isn't happy about what her and Joey did last night. She could probably do the speech herself at this point even if she did feel like the pool patio was spinning around her. 

"What do you want Yasmin?" Hallie questions snappily lying back down on the sun lounger for a moment before she is blinded by the sun. Blindly grabbing her sunglasses placing them back on her face she sighed. 

"Pippa wants you in her room now." Yasmin replies crossing her arms over her chest as Hallie huffs in annoyance. Why did she have to go all the way to Pippa's room just for her to tell her off for even breathing in the same area as Joey. It. was a waste of time and she knew Yasmin would get a kick out of telling her off. She always did when she got the chance. 

"Can't you just do it Yaz. I can't be asked to move. I am trying to get my tan before we go back to England." Hallie whines as Yasmin shakes her head. It was probably easier to get one of Hallie's nieces or nephews to go upstairs at this point. Hallie huffs sitting up o the sun lounger muttering all of the swear words she could think of under her breathe. As , she packed away her sun cream , phone and her towel. 

"This better be good Yaz I tell ya. If I go back whiter then casper the friendly ghost it is your fault." Hallie continues to whine as she huffs off to Pippa's room. 

Bursting into it like she owned the place throwing her bag on the bed , Pippa was no where to be seen. Well this was great she had been sent on a fucking wild goose chase , which no doubt would waste even more precious sun lounging time. She knew for a fact Yasmin was probably setting herself up on Hallie's sun lounger right now , this whole thing a lie just to get the best lounger on property. Sneaky bitch. 

"Pippa!" Hallie exclaims completely annoyed as she hears sniffles echoing from the bathroom. 

"Oh for fuck sake." Hallie mutters under her breathe as she shuts the room door heading over to the bathroom. 

Pippa was sat on the floor her back against the free standing bath tub. Her hair a complete mess as she pulled her knees into her chest. Would it be wrong for Hallie to just walk back out the door like she was never here. But it was too late she had already called out Pippa knew she was there even if she hadn't spoken just yet. She would recognise those sandals any day as Hallie would always go on about them being her favourite since they were both stylish and comfortable unheard of in most fashion terms. 

Reluctantly Hallie sat on the cold tiled floor of the bathroom in front of Pippa. She rose her head from her knees revealing her red eyes and puff cheeks. She had been crying there was no doubt about it. But for what that was the question. What had happened between now and yesterday , a lot but Hallie tried to work out what the most logical answer for Pippa was. But again her brain function right now was as good as a chocolate tea pot so she decided to ask. 

"Pip what's wrong?" Hallie asks as softly as she could. The phrase itself un used in Hallie's vocabulary. It was unusual for the pair of them to be kind to each other. She felt like she was about to burst into flames for using it but she had no choice. Her mother would kill her. But what she wanted to know was why she had called on her and not her mother in this whole situation. It was like calling an actress to fix a broken pipe. There is no doubt it was going to end up messier than it started. Gently tapping Pippa's leg to try and give her some comfort even if it felt forced. 

"I'm Pregnant." Pippa blurts out

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