"Tobi please." Hallie begged as he got to the main staircase of the Chateau.

Waiting at the bottom of them he contemplated running up them away from her. But decided against it slumping down onto the bottom step he made room for Hallie to join him. Breathlessly she thanked him smoothing her dress down she she didn't choke herself as she sat down. She was infamous for stepping on her dress and doing that. 

"What is wrong?" Hallie questions as Tobi plays with the bottom of his blazer not even wanting to even glance in Hallie's direction. 

"Nothing. ok." Tobi states as Hallie rolls her eyes nudging him lightly to try and get him to look at her. Which he does for a second but then looks back down at his blazer pulling at a small pink thread coming out the edge of it. 

"Then why were you crying out there. Booth's don't cry for nothing Tobi you and I both know that." Hallie states as Tobi rolls his eyes. It wasn't the first time he had heard that phrase and it sure as hell wouldn't be the last in his lifetime. 

"You don't care so why does it matter. You're always to busy. Even now your off shagging Joey and everyone knows it ... don't lie I saw you two around the tree. God it was like watching ..." Tobi starts but Hallie stops him not even wanting to hear where he was going with his description. 

"That is not true. I do care. Joey and I aren't actually ... well no we were behind the tree but its just a bit of a harmless fun. No actual .." Hallie starts but Tobi immediately throws his fingers in his ears creating as much noise as he could not wanting hear the rest of Hallie's conversation. 

"Are you done?" Tobi questions carefully taking his fingers out of his ears just enough to check as Hallie sits there patiently waiting for him to take them completely out. 

"fucking is happening." Hallie finishes as Tobi furiously groans in frustration. Hallie giggles. 

She thought by now that he had learnt how childish she could be. But he still fell for it every single time which always meant he couldn't stay annoyed or mad at Hallie for long. 

"You always do that." Tobi whines as Hallie innocently shrugs her shoulders 

"Well sorry young Tobi you have known me all your life surely you would have learnt by now. Now stop trying to change the subject why are you upset?" Hallie questions and Tobi's face drops. 

He was hoping Hallie had forgotten what they were initially talking about. Since he didn't like the focus on him ever. Even though sometimes he knew he wanted to talk it was always really hard for him. 

"One of the boys ... Kieran heard me on the phone and he took it from me started being really crude down the phone and freaked out because it wasn't a girl. Told the rest of the boys including Zach and Eth ... and" Tobi explains as his eyes started to water. 

Hallie subconsciously put her left arm around Tobi Squeezing him gently. On the outside she had to be the calm and comforting older sister but inside she was ready to kill all of them. She already wanted to murder them for the bet they made against her but now she wanted to kill them for picking on Tobi. 

"Hey it's ok. they are just being arses. You know what the pair of them are like they go with the flow and have two brain cells the they are with the boys." Hallie softy says to him as a tear falls down Tobi's cheek. Hallie gently wiped it away for him. 

" I ... think ... I lost him. Hal I don't know what to do. He won't answer the phone to me. I.." Tobi sobs as Hallie squeezed him gently again. 

"It is going to be ok. Give me your phone. I'll ring him. I am sure Cooper will understand. Now go up to my room and sort yourself out and I'll do your make up." Hallie suggests as Tobi's eyes widen in shock. Hallie wanted to do his make up it was like a dream come true. Which instantly brightened him up and that is all Hallie wanted. 

Tobi sat on the chair in front of the dressing table biting his lip.His left leg bouncing up and down like an overactive bunny toy. Hallie told him to calm down and stop acting like she was about to poke his eye out with the brush. So , in turn he closed his eyes and let Hallie work her magic which she knew would give him a little bit of a confidence boost. When Hallie was still living under the Booth family roof she used to catch Tobi going into her room an playing with her dolls and pretending to put make up on him. The closest he ever got to it on his face was face paint at parties because he was scared about what the others would think. Hallie didn't care at all as long as he was having fun the pair would go shopping together and go to movies that weren't typical boy movies. They were inseparable until Hallie found her love for booze and boys which pushed Tobi aside. 

"I was the one who knocked on your door the other day. I .. I wanted to ask you something .. but it doesn't matter now ... Cooper won't speak to me." Tobi mutters without opening his eyes as Hallie sighs. 

"Oh Tobe I am so sorry. I thought it was Pippa or one of her minions moaning at me for being late. Why didn't you say anything. Every time I tried to talk to you , you brushed me off." Hallie questions 

"I was scared." Tobi mumbles his voice barely above a whisper. 

"Well I am here now so what is it?" Hallie questions. 

"What's ... it like ... to  you know ... you know ... kiss a .... boy?" Tobi whispers the last part as if someone would hear him saying the word and want to murder him. Tobi opened his eyes to see if Hallie was still there due to the deathly silence but she was just marvelling at how sweet her little brother was. Compared to the other two demons in the form of Ethan and Zach. He gasps in shock at his face he had never seen himself in proper make up but always wanted to. His eyes teary again but from happiness and not sadness. 

"Wonderful but be careful. Things can get heated and you may think you want to do other things but other things aren't always the right thing to do in the moment. So don't rush. Things will happen when they are meant too." Hallie explains to Tobi who nods. 

"So like you and Joey in the garden almost having sex in front of me." Tobi asks to see if he understands Hallie's explanation.

"first off we didn't know you were there and second we are just having a little fun we're both flirty people and things happen. Which is why you need to be careful and my big sisterly advice is. Don't do anything I would do." Hallie states booping him on the nose. 

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