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Hallie prayed that once they got to the chateau that they would all be left to their own devices until the wedding. But alas her sister wanted her to suffer even further. Alfie was still trying to wrangle his overtired children in the main reception of the chateau. which was annoying Pippa greatly as Alfie , his wife and their mother and father were trying everything in the book to get them to chill out. Alfie tried giving his eldest Wilfred his phone so he could watch a few episodes of Peppa pig but he was refusing throwing the phone at him. While their mother picked up Lilly giving her a dummy so she could hopefully fall asleep while being carried.

His wife however was doing rather well and had managed to get the youngest Rufus to sleep while on the coach. Which gave the pair a sense of relief. But Pippa was suddenly thinking if allowing nieces , nephews and cousins to come to the wedding was a great idea. The spotlight was meant to be on her not toddler aged children screaming and shouting.

"Right everyone rooms are upstairs your names should be on the doors. Meet down here for dinner in the garden for about seven for cocktail hour ok." Pippa states sounding more like a demand than reminding people the next forced event they were attending.

"Oh and if you need reminding about the schedule for the week there should be a folder in each room. If not don't hesitate to message the what's app group." Pippa exclaims as a few including Hallie groaned in annoyance.

Thankfully she wasn't the only one who wasn't so keen on this whole week long wedding shite. All Hallie wanted to do was lounge by the pool , drink all the cocktails her stomach could hold and then rock up to the wedding. But of course Pippa had made the open bar all week for soft drinks and no alcohol was once premises.

Hallie rushed to her room which was thankfully her own. While all the groomsmen shared a room that was across from the bridesmaids. Granted that was only four people in each room which was quite large. But that was four people too bloody many for Hallie. She liked her own space and no one was going to take that from her. Alfie and the children thankfully walked to the opposite end of the chateau which made Hallie smile a little.

She loved her niece and nephews dearly but she wasn't about to hear them through the thin walls screaming and shouting only the chorus of Disney songs. Maybe if she was heavily lubricated with her good friend vodka she would be fine. But sober they can fuck off. Which was one reason why Hallie broke up with Neil.

"Is it not odd seeing your ex marry your sister?" Joey asks popping up out of no where like some children's television entertainer.

Hallie frowned at him flicking him in the forehead. As she put her key into her room ready to unlock the door.

"Still trying to make conversation?" Hallie questions and Joey nods slicking his hair back with his left hand. Trying to look sexy but he just looked like he was in pain.

" I don't give a fuck. He wants kids I will never bore a spawn of devil in my life. End of. Now leave me alone you creep." Hallie quickly rants sarcastically as she opened the door.

"Please I have to share with the guys and I think I might die. The testosterone will eat me alive." Joey begs and Hallie rolls her eyes.

"Sorry Joey. You should have asked Neil to book you a single room. Goodbye oh wait see you at cocktail hour." Hallie said in a singsong voice slamming the door in his face she burst out laughing.

Closing her eyes she took a deep breath revelling in the silence. It was refreshing since she hadn't been alone well apart from when she went to the bathroom since they got to the airport. That was too much social interaction for not just Hallie but surely many people. Throwing herself onto the bed she let herself sink into the bouncy mattress. It was like a warm pair of hands.

Getting up after a quick five maybe fifteen minute nap Hallie certainly wasn't bothered. She decided to unpack her bag so all her nice dresses wouldn't crease. Which is a lie she wanted to get out her swimming costume and coverup so she could have a quick dip and lounge at the pool out the back before the dreaded cocktail hour. In her haste of packing everything was thrown into different packing cubes to make it look like she had put some effort in. But it meant that she was having difficulty finding her swimwear.

Once located she sped down to the pool before anyone could corner her for whatever reason. Especially her brother Alfie as she was not in the mood to babysit for a few hours. That is what their parents are for since they are desperate to be the best grandparents in the world. Gently placing her blue and white striped towel on one of the many sun loungers. She got comfortable after making sure she smothered herself in sun cream. As , she much like the rest of her family were ghostly pale which made even less sense as to why on earth this was a destination wedding to a hot country.

A large splash of cold water ruined any form of peace Hallie had for what felt like milliseconds. Groaning she ripped her sunglasses from her face to see the culprit. Rolling her eyes.

"Sorry sis. Ru not on auntie Hallie she is relaxing." Alfie explains to his son almost sarcastically towards the end as Hallie smiles politely at her nephew while she scowls at her brother.

This for sure was going to be an extremely long weekend.

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