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A loud banging at the door startled the pair like a deer caught in headlights. Unsure of what to do Pippa pushed Hallie out to go and investigate. Which she did looking through the peep hole that was thankfully in the door she gasped. Rushing back over to Pippa quickly knowing it wouldn't be a good idea to keep him waiting. 

"Who is it ?" Pippa harshly snaps as Hallie panics 

"Neil!" Hallie barely spits out but Pippa knows. Her eyes about to jump out of her head as she glanced around the room. Her heart rate and breathing pace about fifty times faster than it had been just minutes ago. 

"What do we do ? I ... I can't ... not today ... can I?" Pippa panics her hands shaking profusely as Hallie takes ahold of them to calm her down. Trying to get her to breathe. 

This was an odd moment in their lives. Never had they ever had a quick come up with a lie situation. Thankfully Hallie was seasoned in this type of thing which made Pippa feel a little more calm. But still she was worried about what could go wrong , she is a perfectionist so what do you expect from her. 

"Say it's mine."Hallie blurts out as Pippa shakes her head she couldn't let her sister take the fall for her could she. Even though deep down she knew it would be lying. 

"Just do it. Say I came to tell you because mum told me to. But it has to be kept a secret from everyone else just in case something happens. That sort of thing .... or just stay quiet and I'll do the talking." Hallie changes her plan of attack on the spot as she could see Pippa spiralling worse than Hallie at her first proper adult party that had drinks galore at it. 

Pippa nodded sitting on the edge of the bed holding onto the test she had taken like it was the most prised possession in the whole entire world. Hallie glanced at her sister one last time before opening the door to Neil. Her eyes widening once again as she ripped the test from Pippa's hands. Grimacing at the thought of her pee on it. This was a new low for Hallie but at least she never had to speak of it to anyone. It wouldn't become one of those do you remember when I stories that people always tell at big family get togethers. The moment would die alongside Hallie's dignity if that was even possible at this point. 

"Neil!" Hallie exclaims trying her best to hid how disgusted she was right now. 

"Where have you been I have been looking all over for you." Neil barges past Hallie completely ignoring her , his attention fully on Pippa. Which she didn't mind unless she was about to spill all the secrets and ruin any form of plan they had made thirty seconds ago. 

"Umm ... sorry ... Hallie ... um." Pippa rambles as she glanced at Hallie for help. As , Neil's gaze bounced between the two for answers. 

"I'm Pregnant!" Hallie spits out adding in an awkward laugh at the end as Neil frowns in confusion.  Both Pippa and Hallie waited with baited breathe to see his response as his face went through an array of emotions. 

"Didn't you ... haven't you been ?" Neil begins to question but is completely caught of guard by the situation. 

"Yep ... I know it is probably fine. The baby hopefully won't have foetal alcoholism or whatever its called. Well I guess Pippa got what she wanted ... Hallie T total.... but ummm can we keep this between us because you know I don't want distract from your guy's big day you know. I mean I probably won't keep it so ... yeah." Hallie rambles adding in a few awkward laughs to try and lighten the situation and make an exit quit to get rid of the pregnancy test that was in her hand. So she could scrub her hands red raw to even get the thought of Pippa's pee on her hand out of her mind. 

"Congratulations ... I guess." Neil states still completely baffled about the situation. 

"I mean that is one way to get you to not drink. Why didn't I think about poking holes in all the condoms." Pippa jokes. 

As , Hallie's grip tightened on the pregnancy test.  Even in her state of sadness she could come up with a joke to throw off the scent. That bitch. Hallie thought. When this was all over she was getting a stern talking to but for right now she had to go along with it for her sister's sake whether she really wanted to or not.  Somehow it all went back to poking fun at Hallie even if this wasn't even about her. 

"Fuck you! Now if you will excuse me I am going to dispose of this and then head back down to the pool. what time is dinner again?" Hallie questions 

"seven pm in the garden." Pippa states and Hallie nods heading out the room closing the door behind her. 

All she wanted to do was dispose of the stick of doom in her hand but she couldn't. Pippa would kill her even though it would have been easier for her to just say she is the one spawning the devil of a child. Now she just had to hope nothing else was going to go wrong. It was only three more days and the wedding will be over and she could go back to ignoring the family until Christmas or someone's birthday or something like that. 

"Fucking bitch. Making me take the fall for her. Carrying a stick of her piss. I guess I will just put it in my room so she can have it. knowing her she will want it. For the memories. Well all I will remember is having her fucking piss on my ... JOEY!" Hallie exclaims in shock as she sees him slumped against her room door. 

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