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Hallie froze like a deer caught in headlights. Could this evening get any worse than already holding a stick of Pippa's pee. Karma really has it in for her right now and and that balcony by the stair case was looking more and more inviting to jump. 

"HALLIE!" Joey repeats in the same shocked tone that Hallie had exclaimed his just moments before the pair staring at each other unsure what on earth was going on. 

His eyes immediately travelled to the thing Hallie was holding in her hand. The one thing she did not want him to look at because she wasn't ready for this lie to get any bigger. Neil was fine but now this was going to get out of hand. 

"Is that a ?" Joey questions pointing to the stick as Hallie groans in frustration. 

Great. Here we go again the lie much like the fake baby in her stomach was getting bigger. Why did her little sister have to cause this could she not have just waited til after the wedding to take a pregnancy test and find out she was with child. Save everyone , well more specifically Hallie this whole embarrassment. 

"Surprise !?!! I'm Pregnant. But before you question if it is yours no we have not had sex and I am most obviously not the next Virgin Mary , well I guess not so Virgin Mary so ... can you please just move out my way so I can dispose of this stick of pee into the bin please." Hallie states and Joey steps out the way letting her open the door. 

"But you have been ... that baby is swimming in alcohol. You know ... " Joey replies unfazed. 

Oh why could he not be dumb as fuck and not notices the stick in her hand. She could have just slipped into the room and the lie would have stayed between Pippa and Neil. But no he wasn't just a pretty face. 

"It's fine ... I mean at least I think it is fine. I don't know though , people must do it all the time before they officially know they are pregnant then obviously when you know you stop because that is the responsible thing to do to make up for it. I mean people still have sex while pregnant which is way worst surely." Hallie rambles wrapping up the stick in tissue pretending to place it in the bin by her bed but shoved it to the side of the bed under her bag.

Yes it is gross but putting that aside Pippa would kill her if she didn't keep it if jumping off the balcony or drowning in the pool wasn't a viable option for Hallie right now. Washing her hands with soap she wished was bleach but that could be overlooked right now. 

"I guess ... well could life get any worse I have just lost my drinking partner." Joey whines throwing himself down on Hallie's bed making himself comfortable. 

Really. She was hoping he would just leave but no he was lingering like a bad smell that just won't budge no matter how much bleach or perfume you use to get rid of it. Just smile and nod Hallie , smile and nod or pinch yourself as hard as you can to wake yourself up from this nightmare of an alternate reality. 

Maybe she had a few too many tequila shots with Joey , is collapsed by the pool almost dead to the world. Which had caused this nightmare of a life time. 

"What are you doing !?!" Joey exclaims pulling Hallie's hand away from her arm a few puncture marks visible in the skin but Hallie hadn't noticed. Glancing down she laughed. but on the inside she was crying. It was real it was all real. She had been holding her sister's pregnancy test and now she was fake pregnant to hide the fact that her sister was pregnant.  

"Oh silly me. I must have just blanked out dreaming. it's fine. At least I didn't draw blood." Hallie Shrugs as Joey stared at her like she had grown seven heads. 

"Right .... you alright Hal maybe you should have a lie down before dinner. I will come collect you when we are called on or something ... actually no I think I will stay you seem to be a danger to yourself." Joey works through his idea. 

Hallie a danger to herself never. She just wanted to end this suffering right now. Simple. Surely life couldn't screw her any more than this. Having to keep up this lie in front of Joey when she could see in the corner of her eye that beautiful bottle of vodka. Whispering sweet nothings to her begging for her to pour herself a glass. When Joey was gone she was going to get shit faced and face the consequences later. She needed something to help her forget this day whether it killed her from alcohol poisoning or not.

"I'm fine actually I am a little tired. you don't have to stay here enjoy the pool ... oh I heard Neil was going to play a quick game of tennis before dinner with the boys why don't you join." Hallie suggests making up a lie on the spot. It is not like the first time. Another one couldn't hurt at this point. 

"You sure?" Joey questions and Hallie nods. 

Just leave already god. He was like the most clingy not actually one night stand because they hadn't slept together yet one night stand. No wonder the boys didn't enjoy Joey's company sometimes he was annoying. All she wanted was to die alone for a while this wedding was already hell enough now she felt like she had been shoved in a fire pit and was being burned to death. 

"Please it will look a little weird you just watching me while I sleep go have fun and I will see you at dinner." Hallie begs further take the fucking hint. 

"Ok. see you at dinner rest up the baby needs to work through that hangover." Joey jokes as Hallie awkwardly laughs. 

In her mind she was batting him over the head with the vodka bottle but it was fine. One can dream especially in a nightmare like this. It can't get any worse. 

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