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Hallie watched as the twins stalked off to find Tobi. Smiling the she had done something of actual worth today. Well that was until she saw her sister coming towards her. She knew weddings were about family but Hallie was fed up with the amount of attention she was getting. Rolling her eyes Hallie tried to make a list of things she could have done to piss off Pippa. Top of the list was just breathing in her vicinity. A task she couldn't help but Pippa didn't care she would have a go. 

"I heard you and Joey were fornicating behind the tree. Have some class Hallie this is a wedding not a strip club." Pippa states as Hallie rolls her eyes. 

Next on the list of things to do was find out what dickhead was spilling even more lies about her life. But she did find it quite hilarious that so far in this wedding meant to be all about her sister getting married had in fact been all about her. She swore she wasn't trying to be the centre of attention it just wasn't Hallie's fault she was more interesting then her t-total bridezilla of a sister. 

"There was no fornication happening behind a tree. Pippa. I have class. I am here at your wedding to my ex aren't I. Most people would want to burn down their exes house for doing this. " Hallie replies as Neil wanders over to their conversation. Oh great. 

Pippa turned sharply to her fiancé to enlighten her about Hallie's sexual history by the looks of it. But Hallie didn't mind she would openly do it for her just to prove to her she didn't just fuck anything with a pulse. She can hold a boyfriend , she just chooses not to as she gets bored or they get too clingy. 

"I'm sorry Pip but I am not getting involved. This is between you and Hal not me." Neil immediately shuts down his involvement in the conversation much to Pippa's annoyance. A small pathetic whine fell from her lips as she gripped onto Neil's forearm. As , if close contact will make him side with her. 

"It didn't happen. Sure there was a quick make out and a bit of touching but who cares we are both single consenting adults if we want to we can." Hallie exclaims as a few of the family and fiends around them started to turn and watch the argument unfolding. 

Pippa stepped towards Hallie trying her best to seem threatening but Hallie wasn't afraid of her. She was more just annoyed knowing for a fact after this Pippa was going to go and cry to mum and then she would have mum on her case. The usual your sister wants to have a nice wedding and you are ruining it please just behave just this once. It was tiring to say the least and it was not what Hallie needed especially with hardly any booze left in her room from the other night when they went drink happy. 

"You reek of alcohol." Pippa mutters her voice low as her jaw tenses with anger. 

"what's it to you Pip? I am having a good time. Making this bore fest a little easier to sit through." Hallie mutters back as Pippa clenches and unclenches her fist. 

In her right mind she was desperate to slap Hallie across the face. But it was her wedding and it would set a bad example of her. But in her mind dear god she was strangling Hallie until she was blue in the face. Hallie couldn't understand why she was getting so angry it was obvious Hallie was going to rebel against the wishes in any way she could. It was Hallie's thing and if she thought she was going to be a good dog and follow orders she had another thing coming. 

"All I have heard all day is Hallie this Hallie that. I don't need it. I wish you weren't my sister so I wouldn't have had to invite you. urgh! Just stay out my fucking way and stop making everything about you" Pippa erupts in a state of anger ready to pounce on Hallie as Neil tried his best to calm her and dispel the situation stroking her hair comfortingly but she just pushed him away. Her eyes pierced with tears that she was trying so hard to not let fall as she did not want to ruin her make up. 

" hate to break it to you Pip. But you are  marrying my ex. You may not want to admit it but he and I used to date.So suck it up and stop acting like a bitch." Hallie snaps calmly she wasn't about to lose her cool over Pippa. It was a waste of time. 

" Come on Pippa let's go for a walk to calm down." Neil suggests as Pippa smiles nodding. 

"If I so much as hear even one more thing about you or more specifically you and Joey getting freaky at my wedding I swear Hal you are a dead girl." Pippa warns as Hallie pretends to be scared. 

She wasn't at all. Pippa's warning fell on deaf ears and she knew that. But it made her feel good threatening Hallie. She deserved it. Her threat just made her think about where else she and Joey could have a little make out session. She was certain he was up for it before Tobi crying cut their make out session short they probably would have gone all the way on the green. There was no doubt in her mind about that , she had him wrapped around her little finger. Which is what pissed Pippa off the most. Hallie was like a snake charmer. Pardon the pun. Thus she was worried Neil was going to be charmed by Hallie once again and be a runaway groom. Nothing good ever comes from Hallie. But what Pippa doesn't know is the real reason Neil and Hallie broke up would she ever probably not. Who knows with the rate of this wedding. 

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