The non alcoholic drinks were flowing as Hallie's blood was boiling. Pompous piano music played in the background to create an air of classiness to the whole evening. Cameras flitter all around like a moth to a flame searching for Pippa and Neil in the crowd constantly as Hallie took refuge at a small table. Throwing her bag down she grimaced at the third alcoholic beverage she had got her hands on.

It wasn't as it she enjoyed it but it was an easy device to end a conversation. Simply sipping on the straw and nodding was her killer weapon to get through the evening.

"Tobi why aren't you playing with the boys. I heard they are playing basketball." Hallie asks Tobi

As he sat on his Nintendo switch playing Mario kart. Not giving a shit about what on earth was going on at this drinks. At the end of his race he glanced up at Hallie briefly and then looked back down at his game. Not even pretending to humour her conversation.

"Gosh do none of my siblings like me." Hallie mumbles playing with the paper straw in her Mojito.

Throwing herself back in her chair making it tilt on two legs. Which was a precarious situation to be in. But also one that many teachers back in the day used to warn you about. Don't swing on your chair as you will fall backwards and crack your head open. A story enough to make clumsy Hallie scared for the rest of her life. Gripping the table to pull herself back down onto four legs. Her heart rate slowly going back to normal as she told herself everything was totally fine.

Suddenly a small child in a blush pink tutu was thrown over Hallie's head and into her lap. As , if it was raining children but unfortunately Hallie was the only one to get one. Glancing up at her brother.

"Five minutes thanks Hal I know I can count on you." Alfie exclaims without even giving Hallie a chance to dispute him. Wandering off in a different direction away from her.

Hallie looked at her niece Lily who had a bright pink glittery bow in her hair matching her tutu as her little white vest had a few stains both drinks and snacks she had harboured from different family members plates as she made the rounds. Lily smiled at her as her sticky hand went for Hallie's hair.

"No sweetie not the hair." Hallie warns calmly as she gently pried her clamp like hand from a large chunk of Hallie's hair. Glancing at Tobi she tried to get him to notice her but he was too focused on his game.

Is this what being a parent was like at an event , looking for the next person to par your child off to for at least a few minutes of peace and quiet. Pushing her glass further into the middle of the table she did not want Lily to be getting hold of that and either pouring the drink over the pair of them or smashing the glass.

"You work quick how long was I gone." Joey remarks as he leans on the back of the chair to the left of Hallie. Who frowns wanting to desperately hold Lily as far away from her body as possible until her brother or Tara took her back under their care.

"Very funny. Have you seen maybe a willing Grandparent that would like to hold her please." Hallie almost begs Joey to even just take the small child from her.

"Sorry darling. Seems your stuck on auntie duty ... hi Princess would you like some chocolate?" Joey questions producing a dark purple chocolate bar from his pocket holding it in front of the little girls face. Her eyes unsure whether she should take it or not.

"Tone it down child catcher." Hallie joked as Joey gasped in shock

"I am not that creep from Chitty Chitty bang bang." Joey exclaims as Hallie rolled her eyes taking the bar from him while he wasn't paying attention.

Slipping it to the other side of the chair that was not visible to Joey due to Lily sat firmly on Hallie's lap. Glancing down at his hand he assumed Lily had taken it but she was too entranced with the necklace around Hallie's neck. Which mostly resulted in her accidentally trying to choke Hallie every now and then when she pulled on it.

" How did you ? ... You are Houdini." Joey states as Hallie sighs deeply holding out the chocolate bar for Joey to take. Before pulling it away as his hand touched it. Making both Lily and Hallie giggle.

"If I am Houdini then you are the child catcher." Hallie jokes and Joey pouts leaning down closer to Hallie and Lily.

"Say it any louder and one of your relatives is going to hit me upside the head." Joey warns as Hallie smirks at him.

Lily suddenly slapped both Joey's cheeks and stated giggling which made Hallie laugh. Usually she was quiet a shy child when it came to people she didn't know but right now she was having an absolute ball.

"I think lily has beaten me to it." Hallie jokes bouncing the little girl on her lap which made her giggle. But it wasn't a low giggle it was a shrill noise that made you grimace if you were near by.

Pippa turned to glare at Hallie for causing the shrill noise near her. But Hallie just rolled her eyes was she really expecting a small child to control the level of volume she was producing. Maybe Hallie could get on with her nieces and nephews this week if they were going to piss Pippa off more than she was on her own.

"I heard about your um mishap earlier. Shame I didn't see it. Heard a few of the boys talking about it with Neil which is why Pippa moaned at you." Joey changes the subjects and of course he was going to switch it to her boobs.

"You are absolutely shameless." Hallie states

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