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"Oh for fuck sake!" Hallie groans holding her forehead as the sun light pierced through the rooms balcony.

Glancing at the bedside table a glass of water and paracetamol sat there with a little note alongside it. The note read Let's hope your not up the duff now. Hallie's eyes almost fell out of her head. Re reading it a few times , they didn't , no not this time. He was just messing with her like always. Right it was pay back for making him think she was pregnant they didn't actually.

" no ... No... No ...no" Hallie grumbles reaching for the glass and the tablets shoving them down as the room door bursts open.

Hallie instinctively pulls the duvet over her body but it was just Joey strolling in with two plates of a full English. The smell of grease and cheese wafting Hallie's way. Her mouth salivating just at the smell of it , her tummy grumbled in response as she downed the glass of water slamming it against the bedside she held her hands out for the plate.

" babe I am not afraid of your Mickey Mouse pyjamas." Joey states holding he plate just above her head so her fingers barely grazed it.

"Fight me ! What ! So we didn't ... Oh you little shit. If this is to get back at me about the pregnancy thing that was not my fault I would rather eat dog food than pretend to be pregnant for attention. Now give me the plate of food you dick." Hallie exclaims as Joey tries to hold his laughter in. However the plates shaking uncontrollably was a dead give away.

"Manners." Joey states as Hallie huffs reaching for the plate again.

"Please you big fat erect dick." Hallie replies giving him her biggest fake smile as she tried to nab a piece of bacon that was slightly hanging over the edge of one plate.

"Without the descriptions." Joey continues as Hallie groans again. He sounded just like Pippa trying to get her to do what she wanted. But at the end of the day Hallie was desperate for the plate of food so she was fine with reconciling. Even if none hungover Hallie would have just given him the finger and got her own.

"Please ... Please ... Please ... Please !" Hallie sarcastically says her hands flapping up and down as she waited for the plate to be placed on her lap.

Joey on the other hand stood there like he was creating one of those stupid long pauses on a reality show like X factor or Britain's got talent. Good for tv but right now Hallie could eat through Joey's arm without flinching she was that hungry. Placing it down lightly Joey stepped away to save his fingers from Hallie much like how you would feed a lion at a zoo. Give it the food and get away before you get mistaken for the food.

Hallie shoved the piece of bacon in her mouth sighing contentedly. Even though they demolished the last of the alcoholic supply last night she didn't regret it. Pippa couldn't tell her off as she finally had something over her she was unstoppable heading to the wedding tomorrow. Sure the week had been touch and go but tomorrow couldn't have anything go wrong. Ironically Despite everything Pippa still has managed to get her own way of the perfect wedding following herself.

"This is so good." Hallie mumbles as she continued to shove the food in her mouth not even bothering with cutlery this was a hands to mouth situation. Unlike Joey who calmly ate his. God knows why it wasn't like Hallie could judge his eating habits.

"I know but do you know what was better ... Having the whole chateau to ourselves. I felt so ... Free ... No wonder he didn't want us to meet." Joey states as Hallie rolls her eyes at him breaking a hash brown in half shoving it in her mouth.

" shut up ! You are ruining my breakfast." Hallie grumbles spitting pieces of hash brown all over the duvet making Joey cringe with disgust. Picking his plate up he moved away from the spit zone his nose turned up as he continued to eat.

" You shut up your breakfast is getting all over my sheets!" Joey exclaims as Hallie laughs snorting slightly as a bit of ketchup sprayed across the duvet. Making it look like some one had been stabbed in the room.

A normal person would panic and rush for a towel and some water to get it out before the maid came and wondered what on earth had go on. Hallie and Joey on the other hand pissed themselves laughing. The pair of them both hit their heads on the head board as Hallie was almost hyperventilating with laughter as tears streamed down her cheeks. If anyone was to look in now they would think the pair had completely lost their minds but did the pair really care with two plates of steaming fry up sat in front of them.  

"Your .... your ... bed looks ... like a ... murder scene." Hallie barely mutters out between laughs her voice broken as she gasped for air.

Joey on the other hand had gotten over the funny aspect of it and was just pissed that his sheets were dirty. Hallie still pissed herself laughing like her life depended on it which gave Joey enough time to steal a hash brown from her plate. His hand intercepted as he grabbed it by Hallie's claw like hands swatting him away. 

"Don't you dare!" Hallie exclaims sobering up completely. 

"You're a strange one Miss Booth." Joey remarks as Hallie glares at him making sure he doesn't try the double take and steal it while she isn't paying attention again. He had his own food.

"One more day Joesph ... one more day!" Hallie states and Joey nods his head taking a bite of a piece of bacon. 

Thankfully the dreadful day was finally upon them. The countless fake smiles and standing in really uncomfortable heels all day for her sister's benefit. Such fun. But what was worse the fact that they had one last hurrah tonight and all the booze was gone. Since there was no way in hell they would be able to slip off tomorrow to get a quickie in at the bar down the street. So it was going to be a sober day of hell for the pair of them. 

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