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Hallie hobbled down the stairs in the most ungraceful manner as her mother barked at her to not step on the dress. Which was a lot easier to say than do especially when Hallie didn't like the dress one bit. People joke and say the bridesmaids are only there and dressed in questionable dresses to make the bride look hotter. In Hallie's mind this was what Pippa was going for picking a light yellow maxi dress. She looked like a banana it was ridiculous. But obviously to her face everyone including her mother would say she looks amazing. When in her mind she knew they were just shitting her not even the best supermodel in the entire universe could make this dress look runway ready. 

"Pick the front of your dress up!" Her mother barked at Hallie for what felt like the seventh time in the last minute. Hallie just glared at her not even having the energy to bark back a response. 

"Hallie ! If I have to tell you again! you're going to trip! " Her mother barked. 

"What does it matter I look like a fool anyway what is falling down a flight of stairs going to do mother." Hallie snapped back.

Her mother crossed her arms over her chest and gave Hallie her best are you challenging me right now look. Which back in the day would make you weak at the knees your bottom lip trembling like you had been stuck out in the garden without clothes on in winter. Your eyes just a second away from spilling water like a waterfall or a flood. But now Hallie was old enough her look just feel on death ears. 

"DO you want to harm your baby !" Her mother exclaims as Hallie rolls her eyes. 

Yes , in all metaphorical senses Hallie would harm this fake unborn child. How pregnant people actually dealt with this constant attention was beyond her. It wasn't like she acted attention it was just this kind made her skin crawl and made her feel like a child all over again. 

"I'm NOT FUCKING PREGNANT ! Pippa is so shut the fuck up !! " Hallie exclaims at the top of her lungs forgetting for a moment who she was talking to. 

Everyone in at least a ten metre radius around the stairs turned to glare at her , jaws all over the floor in shock. Questions running through their minds like did she have a miscarriage , was she making it up to take the limelight away from Pippa? What is going on ? You can imagine. Her mother's face dropped completely as she fell to the floor. Neil on hand to catch her just before her head hit the wood. That was a trip they did not need today. Hallie's hand covers her mouth as she too felt a little faint. 

The world around her going a little fuzzy as her ears tuned out to the sound calling her name. What was going on was just a blur of suits and those stupid yellow dresses as she gripped onto the hand rail with her free hand. God Pippa was going to kill her if it wasn't just for revealing her secret it would be for almost killing their mother. Accidentally of course. 

"How dare you!" Pippa states ripping her veil off her head throwing it on the stairs. The material rolling down it just in front of Hallie. Neil glanced up at Pippa his eyes in awe at how beautiful she looked. 

But without turning around she was gone , his mind a mix of emotions. Wanting so desperately to follow after Pippa but he knew he would just get reprimanded. Not just for seeing her dress before the ceremony but for leaving her mother unattended after Hallie almost sent her to the hospital. Hallie on the other hand felt like she was having some sort of out of body experience. Had she really just said that or was it just a dream. She wasn't too sure at all with the whole feeling like she was floating aspect of her life right now. 

"Hallie! Hallie!" A few ominous voices spoke out to her. A light prodding coming from different points on both her arms. Her vision still blurry and all over the place as she tried to blink herself back into a more present state. 

"Hallie ! Come on!" One voice clearly states prodding her a few times in her arm again as she swatted the hand away. 

A series of cheers coming from al around the room. Hallie frowned confused as she watched Pippa and Neil lock lips confetti thrown at them by the little ones. How long was Hallie out for she thought. Rising from the chair she began to clap looking towards Joey who as sat behind her. 

"At least pretend to care about your sister!" Joey jokes whispering in Hallie's ear as she clapped for the pair. 

She did care for her sister deeply. Even if she had caused more harm than good for everyone she tried her best. But it was clear things weighted on her mind more than they usually did. Is this what it was like to actually have a sister you have respect for Hallie thought. Despite all the ups and downs it seemed her and Pippa had found there common ground. If not just for both going for the same guy , which Hallie would never let her get over. Hallie's sloppy seconds was enough to make their bond a little bit stronger than just hurtling abuse at each other. Family isn't always happy but it finds its way in the end even if there is a few dark patches you can't see through in the beginning. There is always an end and that end is together.

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