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Hallie sighed deeply as she sat on the sun lounger not an annoying family member in site. It was like her own private all inclusive. Something very unheard of for the Booth family. The best thing no screaming nieces and nephews running around wanting constant attention. It was pure bliss. Calling over one of the workers she smiled and pulled down her sunglasses to be a little more polite than usual. 

"Darling could you please get me a sex on the beach and don't hold back on the alcohol at all." Hallie states and the man nods his head but freezes for a second turning back to her. Hallie groaned knowing exactly what was about to come out of his mouth. 

"If you want I can show you how to make it." He replies in a sultry tone. Hallie almost giggled like a small child. It felt like she had been left alone for the first time and had a buffet of opportunity in front of her to do whatever she wanted. 

"I would love that more than anything ... but I would like it better if you just brought over two glasses and a pitcher of the stuff." Hallie winks at him as he runs his hands through his hair smiling and nodding at Hallie as his tongue darted across his bottom lip. 

"Anything else Miss Booth?" He questions.

"That will be all ... for now." Hallie states as he walks away. 

Hallie settled back into the sun lounger. How freeing it was to  order alcohol without having the fun police ruin everything. Now this was Hallie's paradise was this Pippa's way of giving her an olive branch because Hallie was lapping it up. Pushing her sunglasses back up her nose to cover her eyes as she waited for the beautiful god like man to bring her drinks over to her. Luckily he clearly wasn't scared of Pippa and thus was happy to give her an alcohol beverage without telling the woman. 

Footsteps approached the sun lounger and Hallie almost jumped out of her skin. He wasn't just god like he could almost create alcoholic beverages from thin air. Which quite honestly seemed like the perfect man to Hallie as she started to debate how she could pack him in her suitcase and take him back to England with her. Since he clearly wasn't a real human if he could do that , Hallie should know after the revolving door of men she has had.  None could make an alcoholic beverage that fast. 

"A virgin sex on the beach." The man states as Hallie's eyes almost jumped out of her head in shock. Did he just say a virgin sex on the beach maybe he was joking or was he hinting that he was. No Hallie thought. 

Ripping her sunglasses off her head she frowned in confusion at who was in fact stood in front of her. It was none other than the new fun police Joesph. Hallie had so many questions one being wasn't he meant to be on the excursion with the rest of the wedding party. 

"Where is my god like waiter with my jug of Sex on the beach ... I mean my virgin sex on the beach." Hallie exclaimed as Joey. pretended to be offended as he placed the glass on the table next to her sun lounger. 

Hallie was going to hope that he was joking about the whole virgin aspect then it clicked in her brain. He still thought she was pregnant because she hadn't said she was lying but her slip up right now if he was smart enough will have broken that mirage now. But who knew Hallie was about to step on some broken glass trying to explain this if he did. 

"One offensive and two you were grumbling in your sleep for a sex on the beach so I got you one." Joey states as Hallie frowns again glancing around. Had she had a vivid dream about a hot waiter. I mean she didn't put it past herself to dream about something like that. But all she could think of was that it felt so real. 

"A virgin one." Hallie grumbles as Joey passes it to her. 

"Well yes you can't have alcohol if you are pregnant come on Hal keep up." Joey states as Hallie groans she had to tell him. Sitting up on the sun lounger Hallie ripped off her sunglasses she knew it had to be done. Joey on the other hand was worried. Serious Hallie was rearing her head and he wasn't sure whether he should try and take cover or not. 

"I'm not pregnant never have been never will be. Pippa is pregnant I am just her cover as she doesn't want to tell anyone she is till after the wedding ok. If you tell a soul I will not hesitate to cut off your balls. So now I am going to take the massive bottle of vodka out of my bag and pour it into this vessel if you don't mind." Hallie rambles quickly as Joey just blinks a few times clearly it was too much for his brain to take on all at once. So Hallie sat and waited for it to click. It would have been easier to just dump the alcohol in now while she waited. But she thought be nice give the poor boy a minute. 

"Oh ... ok ... I mean ... I was warned about you but god that is some ... so when you walked down the hallway with the stick it was ... ewwwww." Joey finally breaks the silence it all clicking into place as Hallie remembers that moment shuddering. 

"yeah ... yeah don't bring that up I am trying my best to bleach it from my brain and now here it is back at the forefront thank you Joesph. I wish you were on that excursion." Hallie mutters taking a shot of vodka from the bottle as a pallet / brain cleaner. 

"What I thought it would be nice to have some company. I mean it was me or your mother. So I thought I picked rightly. She told me to make sure you were pampered like a Queen which Pippa wasn't too pleased with. But now you aren't up the duff I don't have to thank god." Joey explains as Hallie rolls her eyes. 

"I still should be looked after like a Queen now pass me your glass we're getting fucked today !" Hallie cuts him off holding her hand out for the glass to pour some vodka into it. 

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