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A loud banging broke Hallie from her slumber. Urgh was next door at it again. She had to remind herself to not speak to Uncle Jeff and Auntie Sophie as all she could think about them was their sex life. It was ridiculous not even Hallie could keep up especially with these thin walls everything could be heard. Suddenly the door to her room swung open. Who the fuck asked the front staff for a key to her room she thought. Ready to murder them for waking her wonderfully peaceful slumber. 

"Fuck off I'm tired." Hallie whined keeping her eyes closed awaiting the assailant to reveal themselves. It could honestly be anyone of her annoying family. Top on the list with either mother or Pippa for very different reasons. But Hallie wasn't in the mood to utter any words to either of them. 

The curtains to her balcony ripped open allowing the morning sun to flood in like you had just turned the ring light on yourself to get bomb lighting for your instagram photos or in some people's cases x-rated photography. Not like there was anything wrong with that you just gotta be careful with photographs like that floating in the inter webs. 

"Please ... just another hour maybe two." Hallie begged hoping it would work. 

"Get your fat arse out of the bed now. I am not having you take all the attention from my wedding." Pippa snapped as Hallie wasn't sure what she was more annoyed about. 

The fact that Pippa had just said she has a fat arse or the fact that she was saying she was stealing all the attention. When truth be told she should have just admitted she was pregnant. Then this whole mess would not be such a mess , but obviously Pippa couldn't get that through her thick head. Cracking open one eye Hallie groaned in annoyance. Obviously Pippa was dressed to the nines at this ungodly hour while Hallie looked like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards. She was a wriggler in bed what was there to do about it. 

"One I don't have a fat arse it is plump and rivals that of Kim K and you know it and fuck you. it is your mess. You clean it up." Hallie whines leaning her head against the head board as it was the only way she was going to get propped up at this hour. 

"Urgh!"Pippa groans in annoyance. The friendly sister banter clearly gone from her vocabulary and they were back to being mean to each other. Even though Hallie was carrying an imaginary child for her so Pippa didn't ruin her own wedding. Yet she still was , it is all very confusing but that is the Booth's for you. You have to keep notes on your phone left right and centre just to keep up with it all and you still get lost. 

"What ... there is no point me faking that I had a miscarriage as you know mum will just fawn over me even more Pip. So it is either you come clean tonight or I will because I am sick of you whining at me for no fucking reason and I desperately need an alcoholic beverage without Joey being the fun police." Hallie explains as Pippa goes silent only her feet pacing up and down the room as she thought could be heard. 

Obviously for Hallie she took it as prime opportunity to get in a little snooze but that didn't last for very long as the covers were ripped from her body. Hallie gasped in shock at the sudden cold breeze attacking her body. What an evil bitch she thought. Now she was wide awake and in a horrid mood so this argument was going to be fun with these thin walls. If the secret wasn't out of the bag because of this then either the rest of the family were extremely dumb or deaf. 

"You will do no such thing got it. Just stay out of everything. Stay up here until we go on the excursion to the beach and then enjoy the chateau without us. Anyone asks you weren't feeling being around seafood today and just wanted to be left alone got it." Pippa explains god knows why she couldn't have just text that. She could have got a wonderful lie in but no Pippa had to do it the only way Pippa knows how. In the most infuriating way that makes you even more riled up than needed just for the absolute fun of it all. 

"Thank god ! that seems like the best idea you have ever come up with. Me here alone. Now piss off I am going to have a nap and then lounge at the pool in peace drinking all the alcoholic beverages. Is this a dream pinch my arm. Please!" Hallie exclaimed happily. 

It was like all her dreams had come true. To just be left alone on what could feel like a beautiful holiday. Lounging by the pool without Joey or her mum telling her to drink water or put on suncream. If she got burnt today who gave a shite she would be alone and free. Noting but the staff to wait on her every beck and call. She could even blast her personal playlist on the speaker system without annoying anyone including her brother. As , he would say play the clean version the children understand words you know. To which Hallie would always reply that there will be a time where they need to learn these words and the things they are sining about so why no start them young. It is also how Hallie knew she wasn't cut out for this mother life at all. 

"Glad we are on the same page. But don't you dare start running your mouth about it. Any one asks you just weren't feeling it." Pippa reminds Hallie as she groans in frustration. 

"I am not a child. Besides I wasn't feeling it anyway and you have just given me the best excuse. No offence Pip." Hallie states feeling like she should punctuate it with sticking her tongue out but decided not to.

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