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" Let me in ... please." Joey begged as Hallie stood with her back against the door. 

"No." Hallie states 

She wasn't about to socialise any more. She was going to go in her room take her make up off throw her hair into a messy bun and shove on her pyjamas. All with a glass of Vodka and cranberry in her hand to finish the day. Throughout the evening Hallie had prayed for a moment to seek away and pour herself a sweet glass of her Vodka. But alas there was never an opportunity due to the countless family members surrounding her and Alfie or Tara tag teaming in giving her one of the three kids to look after for a hot second. Now it was her time. Her time to enjoy the taste of the spirt flowing down her throat. 

"Please." Joey begs further. 

"I have never had a guy physically beg me for sex before this is new." Hallie loudly states down the corridor hoping people could hear just to embarrass him. Joey gasped in shock she was playing dirty and he didn't like it. Hallie winked at him and smirked. This wasn't her first rodeo and he was about to find that out. 

"You bitch." Joey remarks and Hallie chuckles shrugging her shoulders innocently. 

"Dear Joey .. one does not simply share my Vodka without getting a little embarrassment. Plus we need a good alibi if someone wonders why on earth you are in my room." Hallie explains as Joey groans in frustration. 

"So you make me look desperate. When we both know I could charm the pants off of you." Joey tries to keep his ego intact but Hallie just bursts out laughing. Holding the door handle for support as she curled over into a crunch she was laughing so hard. 

"Oh Sweetie ... the stories I know about you paint a very different picture. But if you want to go there be my guest. Say goodbye to the alcohol." Hallie torments him as Joey goes to argue back with her but instead clenches his fists in anger. His face mere inches away from her face. 

"You're good." Joey states as Hallie smiles happily she knew she was going to win the war at the end of the day. She had more power. 

Opening the door Hallie grabbed Joey by the collar giggling. Just in case anyone saw them which they probably did they would have to think they were getting it on. Slamming the door shut she rushed over to the mini fridge where the Vodka had been chilling all evening. 

"Straight or mixed ?" Hallie asked placing the bottle on the table placing a few ice cubes in each glass. 

"Straight shot first. let me just have that sweet sweet release." Joey states watching as Hallie painstakingly poured the alcohol into Joey's glass. 

She did not want to share at all. Sure she had two bottles which were more than enough to get her through the rest of the week alone. But she still wanted to savour it unsure of when she would be able to get any more without Pippa or her crew Hallie aptly named the Pippa police seeing her slip away. Handing over the glass the pair downed the shot within seconds. Pouring a very large glass for the pair since they deserved it. 

"This is just ... perfect." Hallie sighs happily sniffing it like it was a bouquet of expensive flowers. 

"Why does your sister hate this stuff?" Joey questions licking his lips just to make sure he didn't waste any sip of the alcohol. 

"Because of yours truly. I am sure Neil told you many a story about me. Most were some what intoxicated in some way. One unforgettable one was Blackpool. God I was never able to ride The Big one ever again." Hallie shudders at the thought of that memory taking another sip of her drink. 

"The worst was probably on her eighteenth I scared her for life. When she came into her bedroom and to nicely put it saw a re enactment of a video she had seen in sex ed on her double bed ..." Hallie continues as Joey's eyes widen in shock as Hallie bit the side of her glass not even sure why she just told him that. 

"Wow .. no wonder she hates you." Joey states as Hallie smiles sadly. 

"Yeah .. I guess. I do think sometimes I should try and make it up to her. I mean I am the poster child for what not to do. But it's been too long. Too many bridges have been burned you know... right I am not drunk enough to have these deep chats. So let's change the subject." Hallie rambles taking a large sip of her drink. 

"Shouldn't we probably you know make it sound like we are you know." Joey states as Hallie's eyes widen in shock not even thinking about how thin hotel walls are. They would know for sure something else was up and come sniffing. 

"You're right. Um put on Pray ... you know the one from the fifty shades soundtrack. It should be on my phone. It's my go to strip song. Don't ask why. it just is and every one knows it. So hurry up." Hallie quickly states and Joey nods picking up her phone from the side he froze he didn't know her code. 

"2769." Hallie states without even looking and he nods moments later the song began to flitter through the room as Hallie closed her eyes. 

"God feels odd hearing this song without you know." Hallie laughs finishing off her glass pouring herself another holding her hand out to take Joey's and fill it up for him too. 

The pair laughed their heads off as Joey got to know her better. He wondered even more why Neil never let the pair meet but it seemed now he was coming to realise that she was basically his twin in a female body. Which he respected but also it was one of those things where two very similar people get together and the world implodes. 

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