Forty eight hours left. It was like a virtual countdown in her head even more now. It is always fun having to come up with facts about a fake pregnancy. Like who the father is and if it was a boy or girl. All Hallie had been saying is can we not talk about this it is meant to be about Pippa or in the most extreme cases like her nan she would say I'm not keeping it. Which would send her into an early grave. The only joy Hallie would have at this point is this. 

"I think you will be a great mum." Joey states flipping over on the sun-lounger to his stomach to get an even tan on his back. 

Hallie on the other hand had to keep getting up and moving the parasol her mother had placed over her. Grumbling that getting sunburnt wasn't good. Hallie didn't care she would rather burn knowing a sweet , sweet golden tan would shine through after a couple of days of red. But obviously with everyone thinking she was with child they were floating around her like a bad smell. Pulling her sunglasses to the tip of her nose she glared at Joey. 

"I think you need to shut up." Hallie states 

"Take a compliment for once." Joey counters as Hallie rolls her eyes. 

What she would give to blow the cover right now. But no she just had to be a kind sister. Pushing her glasses back fully on her face her mother came bumbling over with a whole jug of ice water. Placing it down on the table next to her. She poured a glass practically shoving it in Hallie's face waiting for her to take it. Even if she didn't even ask for more water. 

"Hallie ! take the water you need to keep yourself hydrated especially in the sun." Her mother grumbled annoyed at her. 

Snatching the glass out of her mother's hand she took a sip before placing it back down. But obviously that didn't appease her. She wanted her to basically chug it. I mean Hallie was used to chugging a drink there was no doubt about that. But it was more on the alcoholic side and usually she had already had a few before the chugging happened. Who on earth happily chugs water was beyond Hallie. To get her mother off her back it needed to be done. Saying a little prayer to herself she tried to get into her happy place. Telling herself it was a beer or a very weak cocktail she ordered just because it was cheap and easy to get hammered. 

"We like to drink with Hallie coz Hallie is our mate and when we drink with Hallie she gets it down in ... " Joey trails off as Hallie gives him the biggest death glare she could muster up while downing the glass. Appeasing her mother greatly as she walked away. Not before reminding her to keep drinking. Of course Hallie nodded and said thank you mother just to get her off her case. 

"Don't you dare joke like that again. I cannot wait for the moment I can taste the sweet salvation of an alcoholic beverage." Hallie snaps as Joey bites his lips feeling like a little child being told off by their parent for doing something naughty. 

"I thought you would like that. Make you feel a little more at home you know while you can't drink." Joey tries to salvage the situation but it was not working. Hallie was too pissed off with everyone right now. As she tried to think of ways she could sneak an alcoholic beverage. 

"... Thanks for the sentiment Joey but do not do anything like that again it is like dangling a double chocolate cake in front of someone trying to get their bikini body ready for summer. That shit never works unless you have the will power of a saint and I sure as hell don't have that." Hallie says taking a sip of the water she grimaces forgetting it was just water for a moment.

"Noted." Joey mumbles 

Hallie lent back in the sun lounger the sun burning onto her skin in the best way. Plugging her headphones into her ears. She was going to go into her own world and love it while lying here. Thinking she was somewhere else and not at her sister's wedding pretending to be pregnant to keep the secret of her sisters. It was literally like the weirdest soap opera ever but that was the Booth family. You can try hard to pretend your life is put together for instagram but reality finds its way to seep through the cracks and flood everything. Look how quick this Hallie is pregnant thing spread nothing was safe in this family. 

A hand poked her in the arm as she grumbled in annoyance glaring at Joey. Could he not get the picture she didn't want to talk right now it was Hallie time. But being nice she knew she had to entertain him. 

"What Joesph?" Hallie questions as Joey lifts up the factor fifty suncream bottle he had sat by the side of his sun lounger. 

"I am not putting that thick shite on you , why can't you a do it yourself or b wear a lighter suncream that doesn't feel like you are slathering mayo all over your body." Hallie asks as Joey rolls his eyes at her. 

"Not for me for you. We can't let you burn. You have to reapply every fifty well forty just to be on the safe side hence why it is called factor forty." Joey says. Hallie unsure of whether that fact was true or not just nodded knowing he wasn't going to take no for an answer. She was surprised he hadn't just jumped on her and done it without asking. 

Not like she would complain getting any form of male action even if was from Joey. Who everyone already had thought she was getting it on with. Now she was just being looked at as a total slag for being pregnant with someone else's baby while getting it not on but on with Joey. It was all very confusing at this point. The only true fact of it all was that Hallie was and is still a total slag where ever she went and even being fake pregnant. God she was going to have to start writing things down to remind her of what lies she was caught up in. 

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