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A loud banging was coming from the door of Hallie's hotel room. She however , sat on the bed turning up the sound on the television to try and combat it. Her dressing gown wrapped around her as a room service large margarita pizza sat on the bed next to her. If the only way to stay away from Pippa and her constant whining was to hold herself hostage in her own hotel room for as much time as possible till the wedding then so be it. She wasn't exactly going to starve room service was a thing thanks to the catering staff Pippa had ordered. Yes, she chose her own catering staff that specialised in vegan and healthy alternatives. Which only made this wedding feel more like a health retreat then an actual wedding.

"Fuck off!" Hallie screams at the door.

"Please..." Joey whines through the door as Hallie groans rising from the bed. Yanking the door open in a huff letting him in.

"What do you think your doing ruining my me time." Hallie states as Joey fixes his hair for god knows what reason. It looked fine before hand , on second thought it looked better before he started playing with it. Typical.

"Sorry ... Didn't know I mean ...." Joey says pretending to be a small child who had just thrown the whole toilet roll down the loo and didn't think it would block the toilet when doing so. Hallie rolls her eyes at him.

" get your mind out the gutter. I am nursing a large margarita ... " Hallie starts but immediately stops as Joey had already made a b-line for it. Like some sort of sniffer dog or a pig looking for truffles he was on it. His mouth already devouring half a slice.

"Was nursing I guess. Now that you know what I am doing can you please leave me alone." Hallie asks as Joey shakes his head enjoying the taste of the pizza slice he had stolen from Hallie as she lent against the tc cavinet glaring at him in a huff.

"I need some alcoholic lubrication. Then I will be out of your hair." Joey practically begs and Hallie again rolls her eyes. What did she think he was coming to her for to be honest. It wasn't like they were in some sort of fling after the other night. 

"I am not a secret alcohol dealer Joesph. You're out on your own buddy. " Hallie ends the conversation abruptly grabbing onto his now greased hands dragging him over the door to leave.

"Just one glass then please Hallie I am drying out here." Joey begs and Hallie caves in.

Sure drinking alone had its fun. One time at university Hallie nursed a whole bottle of cheap vodka with no food and gave her whole flat a rendition of I will always love you for three hours but not the whole song just the chorus. She felt like she could have got a Vegas residency that night but others would majorly disagree. What harm could one drink do , sure they only had one bottle left and the wedding was in fourth eight hours so it would be near impossible to slip out to a nearby hotel again to have some alcohol. But what the heck Hallie lived life on the edge and right now the edge looked so inviting.

Grabbing the bottle from the mini fridge she had cooling she gave Joey the ice bucket which he stared at for a good minute before realising she wanted him to go and get ice to keep the bottle chilled. Today they were living the classy life to savour the amazing taste of their last bottle. Hallie's last bottle. Checking the glasses,to make sure they were clean before she started to pour out the measures. Obviously in fair fashion while Joey was getting the ice Hallie had a few shots of her own. It was her bottle after all.

" Juice me Hallie." Joey exclaims holding out his glass as Hallie almost chokes on her mouthful of vodka which would not have been a pretty sight at all. Plus a gross waste of the precious substance.

"I cannot unhear that phrase from my brain Joesph thank you for scaring me for life." Hallie mutters as Joey shrugs downing his shot of vodka.

"Haven't you scarred  your siblings enough. Pay back is a bitch." Joey says biting the edge of the shot glass , winking at Hallie. Who simply ignored him pouring herself a full glass of the stuff.

" you will find the saying is actually Karma is a bitch. What is the point of life if you can't scar a few people along the way." Hallie innocently retaliates taking a large full of her drink as Joey pouts.

"Please Madam can I have some more?" Joey gets holding out his glass to Hallie acting like Oliver Twist when he asks for more soup.

"More you want more!" Hallie exclaims continuing the gag but joey's face fell flat. He clearly didn't understand the reference and was now a deer caught in headlights.

" oh come on don't tell me you just quoted something you have no idea the context of." Hallie questions and Joey feebly nods his head. He wished the ground to swallow him whole at this point. No one had ever caught him out like that. Most girls he did these gags on we're too dumb to know the reference themselves taking to laughing or twirling their hair round their finger or both to make it look like they knew.

" for fuck sake. I don't even want to know what other jokes you make because you have seen it out of context on Twitter. Have you even seen Oliver ... Oh wait of course you haven't why the fuck am I asking you don't get the reference." Hallie rips him further as she couldn't believe what was happening in front of her as Joey shoved his glass in her face once again.

"Alright ... Alright I get it ... Now can I have some more of the beverage please." Joey a little deflated from his embarrassment begs Hallie. While she continued to giggle and shake her head in shock at Joey as she poured him a glass.

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