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Hallie flopped on the sun bed enjoying the feeling of the sun's rays on her skin. She just needed a quick fifteen and she would probably be a lot brighter than she was at breakfast. Trying her best not to think about the bet her little brothers aside from Tobi had made with their mates about the week. She wasn't really surprised it was her brother's for god sake. The only thing she hoped was that Pippa wouldn't catch wind of it. Her patience was already wearing thin with Hallie after the first day she didn't need to swoop further into the bad books. She also didn't need her parents to have a talk with her about her behaviour on Pippa's behalf. But in this case it was all a fabricated lie that seemed even in their intoxicated state had gone pretty well. A hard hand poked Hallie awake which was not the best thing as she pulled down her sunglasses. 

"I think I know what the boys are talking about." Joey states quietly as Hallie rolls her eyes. Her quiet fifteen wasn't happening was it. 

Joey sat on the sun bed next to her pulling it closer so he wasn't practically shouting to talk to her. A few eagle eyed family members who had seen the pair sit together where now chatting and pointing. Ethan and Zach had big mouths and thus secrets spilled round the family like sand in a sieve. Joey got his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it going into his picture he was about to click play on a video but Hallie stopped him. 

"We didn't .. you haven't." Hallie questions not really wanting to finish the sentence. If what she thought was on here was actually on here she would have questions about their drunk selves. 

"No .. no thank god. Plus how would we have. Just watch." Joey says and the pair take a moment to try and work out the logistics of doing what they thought might be the case. 

Hallie held the phone shakily in her hand as she held the vodka glass in the other. The bottle almost half way gone but the pair were very wasted. After about the third glass the two were gone to be honest they hadn't eaten much at dinner and their measures weren't exactly the same size as a bar standard. What they assumed were probably double shot sized were actually nearer three shots worth of alcohol. 

"Hurry up." Hallie screams and suddenly the bathroom door opens. 

Revealing a rather feminine looking Joey. Which basically meant he had shoved his feet in a pair of heels and one of Hallie's shorter beach cover ups. On her goes down to just above her knee on Joey it barely covered his butt and thus his black pants were on show to all the world to see. Hallie giggled at the sight of him. 

"Oh Joey ... yes ... yes." Hallie screamed as he started to strut out of the bathroom towards Hallie. The song playing in the background neither of them could make out but it had a strong bass sound. 

As Joey stopped in front of Hallie he proceeded to slut drop. Well he at least tried to but as he went down it wasn't as graceful getting up. 

"Oh my god ... stop ... stop." Hallie giggles trying to catch her breathe as Joey seductively picks up a fake banana from the bowl licking it lightly. 

Hallie paused the video she too was pissing herself laughing. Not really knowing what to expect when Joey played the video but it was even better than she could have imagined. 

"I did not expect that send it to me." Hallie dies of laughter fishing her phone out of her bag sat on the concrete floor as Joey rolls his eyes at her. 

"No go fuck yourself." Joey snaps feeling rather embarrassed and wonder why on earth he actually had shown Hallie the video he found on his phone. 

"Or you could just fuck me." Hallie retorts quickly as Joey gasps. Never had he had a woman without even thinking come up with a retort it was usually him to do that. 

"Later hun there is people watching." Joey jokes winking at Hallie as she proceeds to gag. 

"Did you just. Hun. Hun seriously. Where are the boys maybe I should let them in on our secret." Hallie says and Joey quickly shuts her down. 

"We can't do that people will think we are having orgies in your room. I mean your sister already hates you but I don't need Neil hating me because of you." Joey warns and Hallie again pisses herself laughing. 

It was as if she had just remember what Ethan and Zach actually think she and Joey were doing last night. They thought the pair were actually getting it on so if more people started getting involved she would get a stern talking to from her parents. Which she wasn't sure she really wanted to hear her mother try and hold a conversation about. But at the same time it would be quite funny to sit through as Hallie would know the truth of everything. At the same time no one would believe the real truth of some form of wearing each other's clothes catwalk show thing. 

"Oh well I will just have to drink the last bottle alone. especially since we have Yoga tomorrow." Hallie says as Joey groans in annoyance. 

"Don't you dare. That is ours." Joey snaps 

"Is it now. Last I checked I got it in duty free." Hallie retorts and Joey pouts like a little baby. 

Well he looked a bit like Hallie's nephew Rufus. Since , Ru was infamous for throwing a tantrum when he didn't get what he wanted. It was usually if he wanted some chocolate but Alfie and Tara were both not budging as he had already had enough. Which in turn would make you forfeit but for Hallie it just made her grimace as she hated children throwing a a tantrum of any level it just wasn't her thing. 

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